2017年11月10日 星期五

誤譯: niche, workaholic, campy, mill about, extrovert


  After Paris and Moscow, Deng went back to China, and before long had ceased being “a cheerful, fun-loving extrovert.”莫斯卡回國之後不久,他就不再是一位“快樂的、愛玩鬧的、開朗的”小夥子了。

 開朗 [kai1lang3], adj., discerning, clear-minded; clear (weather), bright open (view).

《心理学》[名]外向性の[社交的な]人, 外向型の(⇔introvert).━━[形]外向性[型]の.[ドイツ語Extravert←(ラテン語exta-外を+verter向く). △VERTEX...
[形]外向的な, 社交的な.
While Deng believed that science and technology were important — as have many Chinese reformers since the late 19th century — he feared that the humanities and social sciences could be seedbeds of heterodoxy; he never hesitated in punishing intellectuals, whose divergent views could “lead to demonstrations that disrupt public order.” It is telling that for Deng perhaps the worst development in the Communist world after Tiananmen was the execution on Dec. 25, 1989, of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife. Ceausescu was the only Eastern European leader whose troops had fired on civilians.
Vogel calls Tiananmen a “tragedy,” and quotes Deng brushing aside doubts from colleagues that using troops to smash the uprising would disturb foreigners; “Westerners would forget.” Actually, it is young Chinese for whom the demonstrations in over 300 cities are a dim fact absent from their history lessons. Vogel’s account of the crackdown is largely accurate, although he omits the shooting down on Sunday morning of many parents milling about at the edge of the square, searching for their children. In this, as in other parts of this narrative, Vogel could have spoken with journalists who were there, and not just read their accounts. (I declare an interest; I saw these events.) What is disappointing is Vogel’s comments about why “the tragedy in Tiananmen Square evoked a massive outcry in the West, far greater than previous tragedies in Asia of comparable scale.”
 傅高義稱天安門事件是一場“悲劇”,還提到鄧的同事提出質疑,說使用軍隊鎮壓起義會惹怒外國人,鄧對此不以為然:“西方人會忘記的。”實際上,年輕 一代的中國人對這次在300多個城市爆發的示威只有模糊的認識,因為他們的歷史課上沒有提到這件事。傅高義對這次鎮壓的描述大部分是準確的,不過他遺漏了 一點:周日早上,很多在廣場邊緣尋找自己孩子的父母被槍殺了。關於這一點,以及其他一些部分,傅高義本可以與當時在場的記者交流一下,而不只是閱讀他們的 記述(作為這些事件的目擊者,我表示願意與他交談)。令人失望的一點是,傅高義提出了這樣的疑問:為什麼“天安門悲劇在西方社會引發了大範圍的強烈抗議, 強度遠遠大於之前在亞洲發生的類似規模的悲劇”?



mill  2 ((略式))〈家畜・人の群れが〉あてもなく動き回る, ぐるぐる回る;うろつく((about, around))mill about - move about in a confused manner      
A crowd of people milled about in the park.


It is difficult to overstate the column’s influence on American culture at midcentury and afterward: in popular parlance, Dear Abby was for decades an affectionate synonym for a trusted, if slightly campy, confidante. 在上世紀中葉及以後,說到這個專欄對美國文化的影響,無論怎麼形容可能都不過分:在流行語中,幾十年里,“親愛的艾比”成了密友的同義詞,這位充滿愛心的朋友值得信賴、雖然或許有點狎昵,但可以分享秘密。Dear Abby

 campy是20世紀西方文化的"關鍵字"  可參考Susan Sontag的專論.

The adjective
Meaning #1: providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualitiesadj. - "假仙"(台語裝) 模作樣的, 同性戀的, 不自然的
Synonym: camp
 slap, campy/camp2, slapstick, scatterbrain, slam,...
 1. 狎昵
 注音一式 ㄒ|ㄚˊ ㄋ|ˋ
 漢語拼音 xi  n   注音二式 shi  n 


 Nor is workaholic study encouraged. A South Afr​​ican relative of mine started his first “supervision” at Cambridge by confessing that he hadn't read every single book on the reading list. “Good God,” said his supervisor, “nor have I. I put them down hoping that you'd look at a couple, and tell me what they said.”大學也不鼓勵學生用功學習。我的一位南非親戚在劍橋第一次接受“督導”時,承認閱讀書目上的書一本也沒有讀。 “上帝啊!”導師對他抱怨道,“我也沒讀。我還以為你能看幾本、然後告訴我那些書都講了什麼呢。”take over, jolly, banter, wing it, workaholic

 workaholic 強烈/過份字眼:工作 中毒/狂.....不只是"用功"

The word itself is a portmanteau word composed of work and alcoholic. Its first known appearance, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, came in Canada in the Toronto Daily Star of 5 April 1947, page 6, with a punning allusion to Alcoholics Anonymous:
If you are cursed with an unconquerable craving for work, call Workaholics Synonymous, and a reformed worker will aid you back to happy idleness.[1]
思果的【林居筆話】(1982): alcoholic 酒鬼, workaholic 工作鬼


貢布里希(Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich 1909 -2001)訪談錄: 《藝術與科學貢布里希談話錄和回憶錄》(杭州: 浙江攝影出版社,1998)為進入貢布里希的世界的入門書。頁235

".....圖像的生態龕位......"為 硬譯/亂譯


News Trends Tilt Toward Niche Sites

As news surges on the Web, news giants are being outmaneuvered by smaller sites that have passionate audiences and sharply focused information.

Knitters Click Needles for Sexy Undergarments

Knitting is a favourite past time for many, but for some, it’s a serious business. And for others, a passion.

In mall regional town near Hannover, a husband and wife team have put together a knitting circle, to cater for a very specific niche market – the ‘Wool Fetishist’.
With their label "Wolltraum", the couple is providing a unique range of hand-knitted products for people with a taste for personal woolen wares around the world.

niche:名詞,利基、商機;(人或物)適當位置。She has found her niche in this business.(她已經找到她在這行的利基。)


niche industry》「すき間産業」に同じ。
1 (人・物に)適した地位, 適所((for, in ...)).
2 壁がん:像・花瓶などを置くための壁などのくぼみ.
3 ニッチ, 市場のすき間
a niche market
ニッチマーケット, すきま市場
a niche product
ニッチプロダクト, すきま製品(niche marketで売られる製品).
4 《生態学》生態的地位.
5 《医学》ニッシェ:胃などの内壁のX線像に見えるくぼみ.
1 ((通例受身または〜 -self))…を(適所に)置く, 安置する
keep one's niche
2 〈像を〉壁がんに収める.
[中フランス語←俗ラテン語nidiculāre (nidus巣+-cul指小辞+-āre不定詞語尾=小さな巣を作る)]

above all else:副詞片語,最重要的。例句:He loves his family above all else.(他最愛他的家庭。)
