2015年1月13日 星期二

Themis is untranslatable / Justitia


Roman equivalent of Dike, the daughter of Themis and Zeus and personification of one aspect of Hellenic Themis, as the spirit of the divine rightness of law, was Iustitia (Anglicized as Justitia). Her origins are in civic abstractions of a Roman mindset, rather than archaic mythology, so drawing comparisons is not fruitful. Portrayed as an impassive woman, holding scales and a double-edged sword (sometimes a cornucopia), and since the 16th century usually shown blindfolded, the sculpted figure outside a courthouse is typically Justitia or Lady Justice, not Themis. In the Law Courts at Vancouver, British Columbia, however, the statue is explicitly of Themis.




另看:〈石永泰:法治概念遠超守法 只談守法極權特徵〉

Themis from the Temple ofNemesisRhamnous, Attica, signed by the sculptor Chairestratos, c. 300 BCE
Themis (Greek: Θέμις) is an ancient Greek Titaness. She is described as "of good counsel", and is the personification of divine order, law, natural law and custom. Themis means "divine law" rather than human ordinance, literally "that which is put in place", compared with títhēmi (τίθημι), meaning "to put".テミス古希ΘέμιςThemis)は、ギリシア神話の法・女神である。ヘーシオドスによれば、ウーラノス(天)とガイア(大地)の娘で、ティーターンの一人である[1]。テミスとは古代ギリシア語で「不変なる」の意味であり、この名の擬人神である[2]
To the ancient Greeks she was originally the organizer of the "communal affairs of humans, particularly assemblies".[1] Moses Finley remarked of themis, as the word was used by Homer in the 8th century, to evoke the social order of the 10th- and 9th-century Greek Dark Ages:
Themis is untranslatable. A gift of the gods and a mark of civilized existence, sometimes it means right custom, proper procedure, social order, and sometimes merely the will of the gods (as revealed by an omen, for example) with little of the idea of right.[2]
Finley adds, "There was themis—custom, tradition, folk-waysmores, whatever we may call it, the enormous power of 'it is (or is not) done'. The world of Odysseus had a highly developed sense of what was fitting and proper."[3]
