2014年5月9日 星期五

the Slightest of Technicalities (細かな)法解釈

  the Slightest of Technicalities 的誤解(望文生義),類似般對於technical speaking.....

經濟學人分析指出,泰國憲法法院擁有位高權重,僅次於泰王陛下;即使採取最枝微末節的瑣碎技術手段??(the Slightest of Technicalities),也能扳倒國家總理。http://www.peoplenews.tw/news/084614fd-3007-4e8e-9910-27530e156b0f


Pronunciation: /ˌtɛknɪˈkalɪti/
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Definition of technicality

noun (plural technicalities)

  • a point of law or a small detail of a set of rules, as contrasted with the intent or purpose of the rules:their convictions were overturned on a technicality
  • (technicalities) the specific details or terms belonging to a particular field:he has great expertise in the technicalities of the game
  • [mass noun] the state of being technical; the use of technical terms or methods:the extreme technicality of the proposed constitution

1 [U]専門的であること, 専門的性質;専門的方法[用語]の使用.
2 [C]((しばしば-ties))専門的な問題[事項, 表現], (細かな)法解釈;ルール上のちょっとしたミス.
