The local government asked a university’s sports department to lend it
an old German-made bobsled, which members of Mr. Hosogai’s group then
reverse-engineered. Within two weeks, they had made their own parts,
which they said were stronger than the German ones because they were
shaped from single pieces of steel, instead of welded from separate
reverse-engineer ━━
vt., n. 逆行組成(を行う), 分解模倣(する) ((他社製品を分解・分析して設計技術を取り込むこと)).
reverse engineering 分解工学.
Beijing will also give room to
China's refining industry to pass on the cost to consumers, according to
the statement on the State Council's website. China strictly controls
fuel prices, which limits the ability of refining companies to easily
pass on the cost of refinery and antipollution upgrades to consumers.
中國國務院網站上的這則聲明顯示﹐北京還將給中國煉油業一定空間﹐使其可將成本轉給消費者。在中國﹐燃油價格受到嚴格控制﹐因而對煉油企業產生一定限制﹐無法輕易將煉油廠升級改造和優化治污措施的成本轉嫁給消費者。( WSJ)
[名](複 -ies)(金属・砂糖・石油などの)精製[精錬, 精油]所;精製[精錬]機具.