2013年2月17日 星期日

chucked them all / After Babel: Aspect of Language and Translation 一段

Debut Poetry Collection Coming From James Franco


Perhaps the only way that James Franco could surprise us now with his unpredictable creative pursuits is if he simply chucked them all to spend time splitting rocks at his local quarry. And yet Mr. Franco, the artist, author and actor (whose films include "Milk" and "127 Hours"), continues to add to his eclectic résumé, announcing plans on Monday to publish his first book of poetry.
以詹姆斯·弗兰科(James Franco) 不可预知的创作追求,如今他唯一能让我们吃惊的方法,可能就是回家乡的采石场劈石头。但是艺术家、作家兼演员(他出演的电影包括《米尔克》[Milk]和 《127小时》[127 Hours])弗兰科先生宣布周一(2012年12月17日——译注)出版第一本诗集,继续为他丰富的简历增光添彩。

HC評: 此段翻譯漏譯嚴重


(chŭk) pronunciation
tr.v., chucked, chuck·ing, chucks.
  1. To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin.
    1. To throw or toss: chucked stones into the water.
    2. Informal. To throw out; discard: chucked my old sweater.
    3. Informal. To force out; eject: chucking out the troublemakers.
  2. Informal. To give up; quit: chucked her job.
  1. An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin.
  2. A throw, toss, or pitch.
[Variant of chock, possibly from French choc, knock, blow. See shock1.]

 Steiner的名著After Babel: Aspect of Language and Translation
(1975)節譯來對應(p. 253)。不過,它的引述或翻譯是有問題的:

我們看一下G. Steiner怎麼說:
When we read or hear any language-statement from the past, be it
Leviticus or last year's best seller, we translate. Reader, actor,
editor are translators of language out of time. The schematic model of
translation is one in which a message from a source-language passes
into a receptor-language via a transformational process.
我認為廖七一這種引述之略譯Leviticus/誤解out of time,多少代表中國關於「翻譯學界
 out of time

not in proper time; too soon, or too late.

not in harmony; discordant; hence, not in an agreeing temper; fretful.
