2018年1月10日 星期三

porn, perfect storm, 《星巴克體驗》

最近,梁永安先生跟我們介紹James Dawes著的【惡人】(Evil Men),其中似乎談到2戰戰俘等的慘絕狀況,稱為"human rights porn 人權色情"等。
這是好機會學一下英文porn一字,在下述可看到food porn、pain porn等:
porn / pornography, food porn, pain porn
牛津大學出版社的辭典給我們解釋porn 的俗義:

[IN COMBINATION OR WITH MODIFIER] Television programmes, magazine, books, etc. that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a non-sexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience: 在電視節目,雜誌,書籍等,就"非性"之主題,強調其感性和煽情方面,來刺激他們的觀眾的必看之注意力。
所以porn 的意思,有大肆誇張炒作、煽情等來吸睛。

perfect storm 諸事不順
The phrase perfect storm refers to the simultaneous occurrence of
events which, taken individually, would be far less powerful than the
result of their chance combination. Such occurrences are, by their
very nature, rare, and so even a slight change in any one event
contributing to a 'perfect storm' would be sufficient to lessen the
overall power of the final event.

The term is also applied to describe a hypothetical hurricane, which
happens to hit at a region's most vulnerable area, resulting in the
worst possible damage that hurricane could have produced.


Caring Unites Partners 翻譯成「關愛單元伙伴」(p.7)
Unit 作單位用複數為 units。所以unites 是 unite(團結)之動詞。

致謝中的toast 不是敬酒(因為星巴克不賣酒) p.8
