2015年11月26日 星期四

No Respite與「別手軟」 的英譯... a peck of dirt

【綜合報導】激進組織「伊斯蘭國」(Islamic State,IS)前天再以最新宣傳影片「別手軟?」(No Respite)對美國、俄羅斯國等反IS國家嗆聲,片中出現中華民國國旗,引發民眾憂慮我國是否會遭恐攻。總統馬英九昨

Definition of respite

  •  a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant:the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering [in singular]:a brief respite from a dire food shortage
  •  a short delay permitted before an unpleasant obligation is met or a punishment is carried out.


[with object] rare
  •  postpone (a sentence, obligation, etc.):the execution was only respited a few months
  •  archaic grant a delay or extension of time to; reprieve from death or execution:some poor criminal ... from the gibbet or the wheel, respited for a day


Middle English: from Old French respit, from Latin respectus 'refuge, consideration'


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[réspit | -pait]
1 (仕事・苦痛などの)一時的中断((from ...));息抜き, 小休止, 休息(期間)
The noise went on all night without a moment's respite.
2 延期, 猶予;(死刑の)執行延期.
1 〈人に〉一息つかせる, 〈苦痛を〉一時軽減する.
2 〈刑罰の〉執行を延期する, 〈義務などを〉猶予する;〈死刑囚の〉刑の執行を延期する.

手軟 hand goes soft--pity toward in tended victim;

手軟 (lit.) lacking in muscular strength, (fig.) haven't enough courage to do s.t. cruel;



每個人每天都在不經意間吃 下一點點塵土,它們來源於受污染的食物和臟手。專家將安全上限設定為每天5000毫克。進食大量泥土的現象為土壤異食癖,可引起便秘或腸梗阻。

You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die.

Prov. No one can escape eating a certain amount of dirt on his or her food.; Everyone must endure a number of unpleasant things in hisor her lifetime. (Often said to console someone who has eaten some dirt or had to endure something unpleasant.) Ellen: Oh, no! Iforgot to wash this apple before I took a bite out of it. Fred: You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die.
「哪個人死前沒吃過一抔土。(You eat a peck of dirt before you die。引申義為:人生在世總會受點委屈。)」 (hc:a peck of dirt 不只是"一杯土";最好不要直譯單位/數量,只說多量、不少的,一定量的...... )

peck2 (pĕkpronunciation
  1. (Abbr. pk.)
    1. A unit of dry volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 537.6 cubic inches.
    2. A unit of dry volume or capacity in the British Imperial System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 554.8 cubic inches.
  2. A container holding or measuring a peck.
  3. Informal. A large quantity; a lot: a peck of troubles.
