該公司表示,該組織最大的特點,在於它能在如此長的時間內不被偵查到,並能對並未連上互聯網的“物理隔離”(air gap)網絡發動技術上十分復雜的攻擊。
air gap
網閘,又稱為物理隔離網閘,可以在TCP/IP協議層的物理層對於多個網路連接進行切換。An air gap or air wall[1] is a network security measure that consists of ensuring that a secure computer network is physically isolated from unsecured networks, such as the public Internet or an unsecured local area network.[2] It is often taken for computers and networks that must be extraordinarily secure. Frequently the air gap is not completely literal, such as via the use of dedicated cryptographic devices that can tunnel packets over untrusted networks while avoiding packet rate or size variation; even in this case, there is no ability for computers on opposite sides of the air gap to communicate.
問:由於有air wall 說法,漢譯是否採用諸如"隔空長城"?
attack vector是安全軟體上的專名,日本將vector 採音譯,反之,漢字似乎只能勉強採用"向量"。 attack vector必須稍微解釋,讀者才可稍懂。
“Put bluntly,” the researchers said, “unprotected traffic is not just an opportunity for espionage but a potential attack vector.”
Attack Vector (攻撃ベクトル) - コンピュータまたはシステムへの侵入に使用される方法 または経路。通常、攻撃ベクトルは弱点(通常はプログラミングエラーや人的要因)を利用 してアクセス権限を得ます。
searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definit... - -
An attack vector is a path or means by which a hacker (or cracker) can gain access to a computer or network server in order to deliver a malicious payload.