2014年6月23日 星期一

Some facts we may not know about INDIANS


Some facts we may not  know about INDIANS: 
1. 38%of doctors in America are INDIANS.     在美國的醫生38%是印度人。 
2. 12%of the scientist in Americaare INDIANS.     在美國的科學家12%是印度人。 
3. 28%of the IBM employees in the world are INDIANS.     在世界上的IBM員工28%是印度人。 
4. 36%of the NASA employees are INDIANS.     美國航天局的員工36%是印度人。 
5. 17%of the INTEL employees in the world are INDIANS.    在世界上INTEL的員工,17%是印度人。 
6. 34%of the MICROSOFT employees are INDIANS.     在微軟員工的34%是印度人。 
7. Sanskrit is the mother language of all the European languages spoken WHICH MEANS SWEDISH TOO.     兩處梵文都沒翻譯8. Sanskrit is most suitable language for computer software spoken reported in Forbes magazine, 1987. 

9. Chesswas invented in INDIA.     國際象棋發明於印度。 
10. Creator and founder of HOTMAILis INDIAN, SABEER BHATIA.       HOTMAIL的創始人是印度人,SABEER BHATIA。 
11. Aryabhattawho was from INDIA, invented the number ZERO.      Aryabhatta是來自印度,印度人發明了數字零。 
12. INDIANS invented the NUMBER SYSTEM.       印度人發明了數字系統。 
13. ALGEBRAwas invented in INDIA.       代數發明於印度。 
14. CALCULUS and TRIGNOMETRY came from INDIA.       微積分和備案信息來自印度。 



15. The general manager of HEWLETT PACKARD(HP) is INDIAN, RAJIV GUPTA.       惠普(HP)的總經理是印度拉吉夫·古普塔。 
16. Creator of the PENTIUM CHIP(90% of today's Computers run on it) is INDIAN, VINOD DAHM.       奔騰芯片(90%的運行就可以了今天的電腦)的創造者是印度,VINOD DAHM。 
17. BHUDHYANA first calculated the value ofpi (3.14), and he created the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean theorem; he discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.       公元6世紀BHUDHYANA首先計算出圓周率(3.14)的值,他創造了被稱為畢達哥拉斯定理的概念; 
18. Sushrutafrom India is the father of Surgery. 2,600 year ago, he and health scientist of his time conducted complicated surgeries like artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery.       Sushruta印度外科之父。2600年前,在那時代他和他的養生學家進行複雜的手術,就像假肢,骨折,泌尿系結石,甚至整形外科和腦外科手術。 
19. Indian LAXMI MITTAL, the steel king, is the richest man in ENGLAND. His house in Englandis the most expensive house in the world, more than 70 million pounds.       印度LAXMI米塔爾​​的鋼鐵大王,是在英國最富有的人。他的房子在英格蘭是最昂貴的房子,在全球超過70萬英鎊。 
20. ALBERT EINSTEIN once said:- We owe a lot to the INDIANS, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery would have been made.       愛因斯坦曾經說過: 我們欠了印度人很多,印度人教我們怎麼算,如果沒有這些,後來有價值的科學發現就無法作出。 
21. INDIAhas the THIRD largest army in the world with more than 105 million men.   
印度已經是世界上排名第三大軍隊 超過105人。 把百萬翻譯成......
