2014年4月7日 星期一



Their aim, indeed, was to reveal the infinite, to construct a synthesis which should surest the whole of man by the whole of art ; for them the fatal thing in creation was a sense of finality : the masterpiece should begin only where it appeared to end; it should not merely describe, it should suggest; it should leave behind it some unex- pressed vibration.
他們的目的,的確,在於啟示無窮,是在構造一個綜合法叫藝術的整體暗示人的整體;在他們看來, 創造中不可救藥之事為終局之感:一首杰作應該到了表面上是結尾的地方才開頭;僅僅描寫還不夠, 它得暗示;在它後面留下不曾表白出來的顫動。------Harold Nicolson 《魏爾倫》 (Paul Verlaine) ,卞之琳譯
