2012年7月4日 星期三

scarlet 之蒼涼翻譯(猜測)史

小記  scarlet 之蒼涼翻譯(猜測)史    2005

......我用Victoria Finlay 著的 Colour: Travels through the Paintbox 的第147頁【此書之中文版,一經時報公司出版之後,變成四本書(每本多不到147頁)。參考『紅色』】:

A fashion statement in medieval Europe was to wear clothes made of a new cloth, imported from central Asia. The cloth was called "scarlet" and it was the pashmina of its time: vastly popular, frequently imitated but at its highest quality extremely expensive—at least four times the price of ordinary cloth. But the curious thing is, scarlet was not always red. Sometimes it was blue or green or occasionally black, and the reason that in English "scarlet" now means "red" and not "chic-textile-that-only-socialites-can-afford-but-which-we-all-aspire-to" is because of kermes.
『時尚聲明在中世紀歐洲將穿衣裳被做一塊新布料, 從中亞進口。 布料叫做"猩紅色" 並且這是它的時間pashmina: 浩大地普遍, 極端頻繁地仿效但在它的最高的質量expensive 4a."at 最少四倍普通的布料的價格。 但好奇事是, 猩紅色總不是紅色的。 有時它是藍色或綠色或偶爾地黑的, 並且在英國"猩紅色" 現在意味"紅色" 和"不是chic 紡織品只socialites 能買得起但我們所有嚮往" 的原因是由於蟲胭脂。』


「在 中世紀歐洲引進一種從中亞進口的新布料,叫做"scarlet",它舉世風迷的程度,實不亞於今日的pashmina: 最高級的質量、昂貴(價格最少普通的布料的四倍)。但最令人嘆奇的是, scarlet並非總是紅色的, 有時它是藍色,或綠色,或偶而也有黑色的。今日英文之scarlet意味"紅色或猩紅色",而不是當初屬於「最時髦的紡織品,只有社會交際名流才買得起它 們來亮相,我輩凡人,雖不能治裝,然而心嚮往焉」。 現在scarlet之所以「赤化」,都是「胭脂蟲」惹的好事。」

好玩的是查1013年的韋氏辭書 有很詳細的詞源介紹,它一義為Cloth of a scarlet color,.並舉一聖經之引言:.

All her household are clothed with scarlet. --Prov. xxxi. 21.


箴 言 Proverbs 31:21 [hb5] 他不因下雪為家裏的人擔心、因為全家都穿著朱紅衣服.
[kjv] She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
[bbe] She has no fear of the snow for her family, for all those in her house are clothed in red.


「為自己的家人,她不害怕風雪,因為全家上下,都穿雙料衣裳。 」


忙得火燒屁股的wo留言:『「為自己的家人,她不害怕風雪,因為全家上下,都穿雙料衣裳。 」


ps台長對scarlet的解說讓人大開眼界 』
