該書163-64 頁談的亞理斯多德的
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“Where both are friends, it is right to prefer truth”
吾愛吾書 吾尤愛真理 (梁啟超)
胡適不知怎一回事 翻譯成一大串:
朋友和真理既然都是我們心愛的東西 我們就不得不愛真理過於愛朋友了ㄅ
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas is a Latin phrase, translating to "Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend (literally: Plato is friend, but truth is more friend (to me than he is))." The maxim is often attributed to Aristotle, as a paraphrase of the Nicomachean Ethics 1096a15: “Where both are friends, it is right to prefer truth”. The closest Latin prototype is found in Roger Bacon, Opus Majus, Pars I, cap. v.[1]