2007年8月7日 星期二

We're kinder side-tracked here now,




"We're kinder side-tracked here now," he added, "but there was considerable passing before the railroad was carried through to the Flats."



side·track (sīd'trăk') pronunciation

v., -tracked, -track·ing, -tracks. v.tr.
  1. To divert from a main issue or course: I was sidetracked from my work by an unexpected visitor.
  2. To delay or block the progress of deliberately: “a bill that would sidetrack food irradiation in this country” (Alexis Beck).
  3. To switch from a main railroad track to a siding.
  1. To deviate from a main issue or course.
  2. To run into a siding.

A railroad siding.

v. tr. - 將轉到側線, 拖延, 轉變, 推遲
v. intr. - 轉到側線, 轉變話題
n. - 旁軌, 次要地位, 側線

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 側線, 脱線
v. - わき道にそらす, 脱線させる, 側線へ入れる
