2013年1月23日 星期三

The books have gall/ The iniquities of the opium trade with China

陳舜臣《鴉片戰爭》蕭自強譯 台北:遠流1995 一套6冊

p.1030拼寫錯誤 正確的書名為: 蕭譯: 對中國鴉片貿易罪惡論
既然作者是神學家書名的INIQUITIES就是"諸不義" iniquity, income inequality, parity, disparity, eq...


 The infamous “Fifty Shades” S-and-M trilogy by E. L. James began as an e-book and became a publishing sensation by adding a frisson of “Story of O”-style bondage to an old-fashioned romance novel. And “Downton Abbey,” which was supposed to last only one season, is beginning its third on PBS on Sunday and is basically a romance novel with a thick dollop of “The Forsyte Saga.” The books have gall; the television series has Galsworthy.
 E·L·詹姆斯(E. L. James)寫的邪惡的性虐三部曲《格雷的五十道陰影》,一開始是電子書,由於在老式的愛情故事中加入了《O的故事》(Story of O)式的捆綁元素,所以具有了興奮點,出版後轟動一時。《唐頓莊園》最初只打算拍一季,現在它的第三季將於本周日(2013.1月6日——譯註)在PBS頻道開始播放;從根本上講,它是一個帶有濃重的《福爾賽世家》(The Forsyte Saga)色彩的愛情故事。那個三部曲充滿了厚顏無恥的性愛;而這部系列電視劇則具有高爾斯華綏(Galsworthy,《福爾賽世家》的作者——譯註)的深度。

紅標部分可能連THE BOOKS 和gall 都翻譯錯誤
The Forsyte Saga (有漢譯) 應該沒這種性愛?
