2013年1月26日 星期六

Chinese McMansion, striking

We're seeing already that these Western themed developments are being supplemented by other theme styles. One in particular is the arrival of traditional Chinese themed communities. There's increasingly a Chinese McMansion that is going up next to the traditional French McMansion.

McMansion 非巨無霸建築. 凡是不雇其處的環境 採炫耀而(細部)低品質的暴發戶建築


Web definitions
McMansion is a pejorative term for a large new house which is judged as pretentious, tasteless, or badly designed for its neighborhood..

  1. Urban Dictionary: mcmansion

    www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mcmansion - CachedShare
    A large and pretentious house, typically of shoddy construction, typical of "upscale" suburban developments in the late 20th and early 21st centuri...


     In a striking backward glance to the opening of diplomatic relations between China and Japan in 1972, Mr. Xi said that ‘‘like the older generation of leaders, we should show a sense of national and historical responsibility and political wisdom, overcome the difficulties in bilateral relations and push relations forward.’’習近平異乎尋常?地回首往事,提到了中日邦交正常化之初的1972年,他說,“我們要像兩國老一輩領導人那樣,體現出國家責任、政治智慧和歷史擔當,推動中日關係克服困難,繼續向前發展。”

     "體現出國家責任、政治智慧和歷史擔當"順序與英文不同   除非是當初建交時中方的說法 待查

     此處 striking 可能採此義
     Strikingly new, unusual, or different. See synonyms at new.
    不過我想更合乎脈絡 的可能是下述"意有所指"的表演說法:
    (strī'kĭng) pronunciation
    Arresting the attention and producing a vivid impression on the sight or the mind. See synonyms at noticeable.
