2013年1月9日 星期三

蕭珊譯 Ivan Turgenev 中短篇小說《草原上的李耳王》 Resignation by Friedrich von Schiller

Ivan Turgenev 中短篇小說選《草原上的李耳王》蕭珊譯上海文藝出版社等  2011

作者簡介 · · · · · ·

19 世紀俄國現實主義小說家、詩人、劇作家。他的小說迅速及時地反映了當時的俄國社會現實,其語言簡潔、樸質、精確、優美,為俄羅斯語言的規範化作出了重要貢 獻。本書集中收入了屠格涅夫的《初戀》、《阿霞》等著名中短篇小說,從這些凝練、動情的篇章裡,我們可以讀出作者對於“青春”欲說還休的摯誠與惆悵。

目錄 · · · · · ·

附錄懷念蕭珊  (1979.1.16  我很喜歡她翻譯的普希金和屠格涅夫的小說  雖然譯文並不恰當   也不是普希金和屠格涅夫的風格它們卻是有創造性文學作品......" 頁427
HC按:本書的注解很可以  不過先後順序有缺點     小說中多次談到席勒的"順從命令"  現在網路上可讀英文翻譯:

"Give me the woman precious to thy heart,
   Give up to me thy Laura!
Beyond the grave will usury pay the smart."—
I wept aloud, and from my bleeding heart
   With resignation tore her.

Resignation by Friedrich von Schiller

Yes! even I was in Arcadia born,
   And, in mine infant ears,
A vow of rapture was by Nature sworn;—
Yes! even I was in Arcadia born,
   And yet my short spring gave me only—tears!

Once blooms, and only once, life's youthful May;
   For me its bloom hath gone.
The silent God—O brethren, weep to-day—
The silent God hath quenched my torch's ray,
   And the vain dream hath flown.

Upon thy darksome bridge, Eternity,
   I stand e'en now, dread thought!
Take, then, these joy-credentials back from me!
Unopened I return them now to thee,
   Of happiness, alas, know naught!

Before Thy throne my mournful cries I vent,
   Thou Judge, concealed from view!
To yonder star a joyous saying went
With judgment's scales to rule us thou art sent,
   And call'st thyself Requiter, too!

Here,—say they,—terrors on the bad alight,
   And joys to greet the virtuous spring.
The bosom's windings thou'lt expose to sight,
Riddle of Providence wilt solve aright,
   And reckon with the suffering!

Here to the exile be a home outspread,
   Here end the meek man's thorny path of strife!
A godlike child, whose name was Truth, they said,
Known but to few, from whom the many fled,
   Restrained the ardent bridle of my life.

"It shall be thine another life to live,—
   Thy youth to me surrender!
To thee this surety only can I give"—
I took the surety in that life to live;
   And gave to her each youthful joy so tender.

"Give me the woman precious to thy heart,
   Give up to me thy Laura!
Beyond the grave will usury pay the smart."—
I wept aloud, and from my bleeding heart
   With resignation tore her.

"The obligation's drawn upon the dead!"
   Thus laughed the world in scorn;
"The lying one, in league with despots dread,
For truth, a phantom palmed on thee instead,
   Thou'lt be no more, when once this dream has gone!"

Shamelessly scoffed the mockers' serpent-band
   "A dream that but prescription can admit
Dost dread?  Where now thy God's protecting hand,
(The sick world's Saviour with such cunning planned),
   Borrowed by human need of human wit?"

"What future is't that graves to us reveal?
   What the eternity of thy discourse?
Honored because dark veils its form conceal,
The giant-shadows of the awe we feel,
   Viewed in the hollow mirror of remorse!"

"An image false of shapes of living mould,
   (Time's very mummy, she!)
Whom only Hope's sweet balm hath power to hold
Within the chambers of the grave so cold,—
   Thy fever calls this immortality!"

"For empty hopes,—corruption gives the lie—
   Didst thou exchange what thou hadst surely done?
Six thousand years sped death in silence by,—
His corpse from out the grave e'er mounted high,
   That mention made of the Requiting One?"

I saw time fly to reach thy distant shore,
   I saw fair Nature lie
A shrivelled corpse behind him evermore,—
No dead from out the grave then sought to soar
   Yet in that Oath divine still trusted I.

My ev'ry joy to thee I've sacrificed,
   I throw me now before thy judgment-throne;
The many's scorn with boldness I've despised,—
Only—thy gifts by me were ever prized,—
   I ask my wages now, Requiting One!

"With equal love I love each child of mine!"
   A genius hid from sight exclaimed.
"Two flowers," he cried, "ye mortals, mark the sign,—
Two flowers to greet the Searcher wise entwine,—
   Hope and Enjoyment they are named."

"Who of these flowers plucks one, let him ne'er yearn
   To touch the other sister's bloom.
Let him enjoy, who has no faith; eterne
As earth, this truth!—Abstain, who faith can learn!
   The world's long story is the world's own doom."

"Hope thou hast felt,—thy wages, then, are paid;
   Thy faith 'twas formed the rapture pledged to thee.
Thou might'st have of the wise inquiry made,—
The minutes thou neglectest, as they fade,
   Are given back by no eternity!"

  • [rèzignéiʃən]
1 [U]辞職, 辞任;[C]辞表, 辞職願
the resignation of a cabinet
hand in [=send in, give, offer] one's resignation
2 [U]あきらめ, (…に対する)忍従((to ...)) 任苦任怨
blind resignation to authority
accept one's fate with resignation
3 [U](権利などの)放棄, 断念((of ...)).

 Ivan Turgenev
