2011年2月8日 星期二

cargo cult/fetishism

"又 cargo cult science 翻譯成拜物教科學 可能不太恰當 因為該中文"古來" 有特定意義 而英文則又是特定的20世紀人類學用語 )"


1 物神[呪物(じゅぶつ)]崇拝.
2 拝物愛, フェティシズム.
3 盲目的献身.

The term cargo cult science refers to an analogy between certain fields of research in the sciences, and cargo cults—i.e. the anthropological phenomenon of some primitive tribes in which the tribe 1) regards advanced peoples as angels whose purpose is to deliver goods (cf. first contact), and 2) regards some mimicry or pantomime of their own as functionally relevant to or causal for the delivery of such goods.

The term cargo cult science was first used by the physicist Richard Feynman during his commencement address at the California Institute of Technology, United States, in 1974, to negatively characterize research in the soft sciences (psychology and psychiatry in particular) - arguing that they have the semblance of being scientific, but are missing "a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty".

草包族科學(英語:Cargo cult science)出自理查·費曼於1974年於加州理工學院的一場畢業典禮演說,描述某些事物貌似科學,卻遺漏了「科學的品德,也就是進行科學思考時必須遵守的誠實原則」。「Cargo cult」直譯為「船貨崇拜」,是指一些原始部落為了吸引運輸機補給,而試圖建造一座外表看似機場,實際上卻沒有機場功能的設施,以吸引飛機降落。

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貨物崇拜英文Cargo Cults,又譯貨物運動)是一種宗教形式,尤其出現於一些與世隔絕的落後土著之中。當貨物崇拜者看見外來的先進科技物品,便會將之當作神祇般崇拜。

最為知名的貨物崇拜,是於第二次世界大戰太平洋戰爭時,美軍太平洋一 個小島建立一臨時基地。當時島上的土著看見美軍於「大鐵船」(軍艦)內出來,皆覺得十分驚訝。此外他們也看到有一些「大鐵鳥」(軍用飛機)運送穿著美軍軍 服的人,以及得多物資。這些土著看見這種情況均感到很驚訝,並覺得這些「大鐵船」及「大鐵鳥」十分厲害。加上美軍也提供部份給土著[1][2][3],而這些物資對土著來說十分有用,結果令這些土著將美軍當作


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A cargo cult is an anthropological phenomenon whereby some primitive tribes:

1) regard advanced civilization as supernatural with the ability to deliver to them goods and knowledge alien to their culture; and,

2) regard some mimicry or pantomime of this civilization on their behalf as functionally relevant to or causal for the delivery of such goods or knowledge.
