If you know Starkfield , Massachusetts , you know the post-office. If you know the post-office you must have seen Ethan Frome drive up to
it, drop the reins on his hollow-backed bay and drag himself across the brick pavement to the white colonnade: and you must have asked
who he was.
查詢繮的結果如下:找不到符合的詞彙!【繮繩 vs 韁繩 我查了(辭海),原來兩者通用:馬紲也--{說文}稱:牛曰紖、犬曰紲、馬曰繮。……(辭海)矛盾,或者「馬紲」也是通稱了;它在「紲」無引此{說文}…..】
我發現中文似乎無法表達冒號。【我的朋友瑞麟的意見為:「關於句中的冒號,我個人認為那只是用來表示and you must have asked who he was和句中其他(前面)的部分是分開的而已。所以可用句號或分號 表達。」】
馬(bay horse)的「翻譯」問題:「瘦馬」都可能了解錯誤;bay王鎮國還譯出顏色(部分對,詳下文)而呂則含混過去:
【bay A reddish-brown animal, especially a horse having a black mane and tail.
かげかすげ 3 【▼鹿毛▼糟毛】
ウマの毛色の名。鹿毛に白の差し毛があるもの。 体全体が赤褐色で、たて髪、尾、足の下部は黒色。黒みの具合で黒鹿毛、青鹿毛がいる。www.banei-keiba.or.jp/information/how-brood.html
さしげ 2 0 【差(し)毛/刺(し)毛】
拿Concise Oxford Dictionary第10版,用 “bay “當測試,大概是 brown horse with black points. 查 point 一義指馬或貓之諸端部extremities 即指臉部、尾部、蹄部等等。回還查9/e,為 a bay horse with a black mane and tail. 】
hollow-backed 問題
建築: Said of a piece of wood, stone, etc., whose unexposed face has been hollowed out so that it fits against an irregular surface more tightly.
Concise Oxford Dictionary它沒有hollow-back 的解釋,不過 hollow之一解為 concave
hollow・ware 深い食器類 ((ボウル, 深皿, カップなど)).
Xanthippe means "yellow horse", from the Greek ξανθός xanthos (blonde) and ἵππος hippos (horse). Hers is one of many Greek personal names with a horse theme (cf. Philippos "friend of horses", Hippocrates "horse tamer" etc.). The hippos in an ancient Greek name often suggested aristocratic heritage.[2