2017年1月2日 星期一

請教張華兄 "Psychology." by Katherine Mansfield 典故;誤譯、棄選、

文中 "It's not a sandwich from the hatter's bag" 典出Through the Looking-Glass第7章,意思是 "這可不是《鏡中奇緣》帽匠的(夾草)三明治"
不過作者記錯了,帶三明治的人名叫Haigha,另一個Messenger才叫Hatta ('The other Messenger's called Hatta.)即Hatter.
昨天才知道,胡適之先生翻譯過短篇小說Psychology,中間因故放棄。 我很想知道那些地方讓他翻譯不下去。 這篇,Wikipedia 有簡介,還指出用了兩是處西洋文學的典故。 其中,L. Carroll的,朋友張華視專家,所以我向他請教。以下是我們的筆談: hc: 張...

這篇,Wikipedia 有簡介,還指出用了兩是處西洋文學的典故。
其中,L. Carroll的,朋友張華是專家,所以我向他請教。以下是我們的筆談:

hc:張華兄,您起碼可以幫胡適之先生翻譯此篇短篇小說Psychology 中相關句子:

Carefully she cut the cake into thick little wads and he reached across for a piece.
"Do you realize how good it is," she implored. "Eat it imaginatively. Roll your eyes if you can and taste it on the breath. It's not a sandwich from the hatter's bag–it's the kind of cake that might have been mentioned in the Book of Genesis. . . . And God said: 'Let there be cake. And there was cake. And God saw that it was good.'"

胡適論翻譯 (部分)、曼殊斐兒、徐志摩;Psychology is a 1920 short story by Katherine Mansfield

張華:這句話典出Through the Looking-Glass第7章On which the Messenger, to Alice's great amusement, opened a bag that hung round his neck, and handed a sandwich to the King, who devoured it greedily.
'Another sandwich!' said the King.
'There's nothing but hay left now,' the Messenger said, peeping into the bag.
'Hay, then,' the King murmured in a faint whisper.
不過作者記錯了,這Messenger名叫Haigha,另一個Messenger才叫Hatta ('The other Messenger's called Hatta.)即Hatter.

hc: 謝啦。我找第一本Alice in Wonderland的 Mad Tea Party......

張華:此句原文是假設語氣it's the kind of cake that might have been mentioned in the Book of Genesis
