2014年10月21日 星期二

商業翻譯腔:off balance sheet financing、 力度,正在失速;"取得了成效",表外融資規模


Analysts said a modest decline in off-balance-sheet financing, including entrusted loans, trust loans and undiscounted bank acceptances, reflects efforts since April by the central bank to route more shadow banking activity into the main banking system.

hc評: 原文沒"取得了成效"字眼;"溫和下降"可能由於變異因素所致,不能說成功。
"表外融資" (off balance sheet financing) "規模" (原文無此詞):
off balance sheet financing 是近十幾年來重要財務術語,本文將銀行業的分類為三,不容易了解。必須先了解公司的off balance sheet financing。

A form of financing in which large capital expenditures are kept off of a company's balance sheet through various classification methods. Companies will often use off-balance-sheet financing to keep their debt to equity (D/E) and leverage ratios low, especially if the inclusion of a large expenditure would break negative debt covenants.
(Google 翻譯)定義的“資產負債表外融資”
融資的一種形式,其中大量的資本支出,通過各種分類方法,保持了公司的資產負債表。公司會經常使用資產負債表外融資,以保持自己的債務權益(D/ E)和槓桿率較低,特別是如果包含了大量的開支會打破負面的債務契約。

Definition of off balance sheet financing

Financing that does not appear on a company's balance sheet because it is not strictly debt (so liabilities and associated assets are excluded from the balance sheet).
In certain circumstances this can have a flattering effect on important accounting ratios such as leverage and return on assets. Accordingly, published financial statements may fail to provide a full and transparent representation of the underlying activity of the reporting entity; in particular, reported results may suggest less exposure to liabilities than really exists.
Common off balance sheet financing mechanisms include consignment stock, sale and repurchase (or leaseback) arrangements, debt factoring, securitisation, creation of special purpose entities, and leasing.
With leasing, on the one hand, an entity could acquire the right to use an asset through a rental agreement. On the other hand, the entity could purchase the same asset using external finance. While the two arrangements may result in identical net cash flows to the entity, in the case of a purchase both the asset and the associated financing obligation appear on the entity’s balance sheet whereas in the former scenario rental payments are accounted for as a period expense, with the asset and corresponding liability omitted from the entity’s balance sheet. Omission of the financing liability can have a flattering effect on key ratios such as leverage and interest coverage, while omission of the asset could help to inflate return on assets.   
Sound commercial reasons may exist to explain the use off balance sheet financing. These include sharing with other parties the risks and benefits associated with certain assets and liabilities or gaining protection from selected risks. However, off balance sheet financing arrangements may also be motivated by wanting to reduce perceptions of risk or to camouflage the substance of particular transactions.
Textbook examples of off balance sheet financing activity include Enron (in the form of special purpose entities) and Southern Cross (in the form of operating leases. [1]

entrusted loans


A loan organized by an agent bank between borrowers and lenders. In an entrusted loan the agent bank is considered the trustee and the company providing the funds is considered the trustor. The trustee is responsible for the collection of principal and any interest, for which it charges a handling fee, but does not undertake any of the loan risk.定義“委託貸款”的 
  1. China races to prevent trust loan default - FT.com

    www.ft.com › World › Asia-Pacific
    Jan 23, 2014 - Local media reported on Thursday that the Shanxi provincial government is considering helping fund a bailout of the trust loan after ICBC, ...

  2.   貸款信托是指受托人接受委托人的委托,將委托人存入的資金,按其(或信托計劃中)指定的對象、用途、期限、利率與金額等發放貸款,並負責到期收回貸款本息的一項金融業務。委托人在發放貸款的對象、用途等方面有充分的自主權,同時又可利用信托公司在企業資信與資金管理方面的優勢,增加資金的安全性,提高資金的使用效率。
  3. 信托貸款的概念



BEIJING—China’s banks stepped up lending at an unexpected volume in September, in a sign that the government wants to boost credit to re-energize an economy that is losing steam.
hc評:"力度"是中國的翻譯腔;將"losing steam" (漸失活力)翻譯成"正在失速"有點錯誤。

step ... up/step up
(1)〈生産などを〉高める,増大させる;〈電圧を〉上げる;〈速度を〉速めるstep up production生産を上げるstep up efforts to do ...…するのにいっそう努力...
1. Increase, especially in stages, as in We've got to step up production. [Early 1900s] Also see step down, def. 2.
