2010年10月3日 星期日

The Mirror and the Lamp

The Mirror and the Lamp


人名的翻譯不去找標準譯名 如 Titian /Mill 等

由於多人翻譯 將 norm 有時翻譯成規範 有時為模式 (這詞比較長常翻譯 pattern)

poem, poetry, poet 只翻譯成詩歌與詩人

譬如說 a bristling of the skin, a precipitation of water. and a sensation like.....p.138

a precipitation of water 譯成 水對著眼睛澆來 p.164

這水其實是類淚水 通長常說法市是 "奪眶而出"
[U][C]生体の分泌[排出]液, 体液(涙・汗・尿・よだれ・羊水など)

felicity 不可翻譯成 理智 felicity, felicitous

即使在詩中 Absent thee from felicity awhile (p.163)

the Turnuses and Didos in it . (p.70)

p.83 亂譯成 "生造的詞語抑或文字游戲"

Turnus, in Virgil's Aeneid, Italian hero, son of Daunus and the nymph Venilia, brother of the nymph Juturna. He was the king of the Rutulians and suitor of Lavinia, daughter of king Latinus. The Latins joined with the Rutulians to fight the Trojans; Turnus killed Pallas, son of Evander, was twice saved by Juno, but was finally killed by Aeneas (see AENEID, books 7–12).
