2010年10月27日 星期三

Advertising slogan: Ford. Feel the difference.

It has been so successful at generating cash that it expects net debt in the automotive division to reach zero by December, a shift of nearly $9bn in one year and well ahead of schedule. Though not yet investment grade, its debt nearly trades as such and its shares are up 90 per cent over one year, greatly enhancing financial flexibility. The fact that its balance sheet was not cleansed in bankruptcy like General Motors and Chrysler was seen by some just a year ago as a competitive weakness. That gap is closing rapidly, insulating it in the event of another recession. Though it resonated less with customers, Ford is best-described by its previous slogan: “Built for the road ahead.” 福特在產生現金流方面大獲成功。該公司預計,到今年12月,其汽車部門的淨債務將歸零——一年內減少近90億美元,較計劃大大提前。儘管還未達到投資級別,但福特的債務幾乎就是按照投資級別進行交易的,而且股價在一年內上漲了90%,極大地提高了財務靈活性。就在一年前,有人認為,福特的資產負債表沒有像通用(General Motors)和克萊斯勒(Chrysler)那樣在破產中經過一番清理,這是一項競爭劣勢。但差距正在迅速縮小,這樣如果再發生衰退,福特也能免受影響。儘管福特還沒有引起太多客戶的共鳴,但對福特最好的寫照就是該公司以前的口號:“ 開拓未來之路"不太對的翻譯

Ford Vehicles
Advertising slogans: Ford. Feel the difference.
Ford. Bold moves.
Built for life in Canada.
Built for the road ahead.
Ford. Designed for living. Engineered to last.
Have you driven a Ford lately?
