2010年10月1日 星期五

ignore , radical

Messrs Tapscott and Williams sometimes get carried away with their enthusiasm for the web. Great innovators often need the courage to ignore the crowd. (Henry Ford was fond of saying that if he had listened to his customers he would have produced a better horse and buggy.) Great organisations need time to cook up world-changing ideas. Hierarchies can be just as valuable to the process of creative destruction as networks. But the authors are nevertheless right to argue that the web is the most radical force of our time. And they are surely also right to predict that it has only just begun to work its magic.




ignore 或許用"不理睬/不理會"
radical 用"基進"是一般人不太懂的英文字根翻譯法 可考慮用" 根本的/徹底的"
