2023年1月20日 星期五

簡介Marius B. Jansen (1922~2020)和哈佛的Edwin O. Reischauer講座(The Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures )。 書名翻譯大敗筆:China in the Tokugawa World By Marius B. Jansen (1922~2020) , 1992。 搞成《德川日本》 前衛,1996

 書名大敗筆:China in the Tokugawa World By Marius B. Jansen, 1992。 搞成《德川日本》 前衛,1996

China in the Tokugawa World

Harvard University Press, 1992 - 137 頁
This engaging book challenges the traditional notion that Japan was an isolated nation cut off from the outside world in the early modern era. This familiar story of seclusion, argues master historian Marius B. Jansen, results from viewing the period solely in terms of Japan's ties with the West, at the expense of its relationship with closer Asian neighbors. Taking as his focus the port of Nagasaki and its thriving trade with China in the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries, Jansen not only corrects this misperception but offers an important analysis of the impact of the China trade on Japan's cultural, economic, and political life. Creating a vivid portrait of a city that lived on and for foreign trade, the author details Nagasaki's pivotal role in importing luxury goods for a growing Japanese market whose elite wanted more of everything that ships from China could bring. Silk, sugar, and ginseng were among the cargoes brought to Nagasaki as well as books that, by the late Tokugawa period, signaled the dangers of Western expansionism. The junks from China brought people as well as goods, and the author provides clear evidence of the influence of Chinese expatriates and visitors on Japanese religion, law, and art. Japan's intellectuals prided themselves on their full participation in the cultural milieu of the continental mainland, and for them China represented an ideal land of sages and tranquility. But gradually China came to represent, instead, a metaphor for the "other", as Japan's quest for a national identity intensified. Among the Japanese, a new image of their nation was beginning to emerge: a Japan superior to Asia in general and to China in particular.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marius Berthus Jansen (April 11, 1922 – December 10, 2000)[1] was an American academic, historian, and Emeritus Professor of Japanese History at Princeton University.[2]


Jansen was born in Vleuten in the Netherlands to Gerarda and Bartus Jansen, a florist who moved his family to Johnston, Rhode Island in the fall of 1923.[3] Jansen grew up in Massachusetts and graduated from Princeton in 1943, having majored in European history of the Renaissance and Reformation. The same year, he began serving in the Army, studying Japanese and working in the Occupation of Japan.[4] He took his PhD in history at Harvard in 1950, studying Japan with Edwin O. Reischauer and China with John K. Fairbank. His dissertation dealt with the interactions of the two countries and was published as The Japanese and Sun Yat Sen in 1954.[5]

He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences[2] and president of the Association for Asian Studies in 1976. In 1999, Jansen was the first foreigner to be honored with the Distinguished Cultural Merit Award, given by the government of Japan.[6]

Selected works[edit]

In a statistical overview derived from writings by and about Marius Jansen, OCLC/WorldCat encompasses roughly 100+ works in 300+ publications in 12 languages and 13,900+ library holdings.[7]


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures is a series of lectures at Harvard University sponsored by the John King Fairbank Center established in 1986 to be given annually in memory of Edwin O. Reischauer. The lectures are then published by Harvard University Press.

List of lectures[edit]


陳思宏《鬼地方》Darryl Sterk英譯。PEN Translation Prize 2023120。其他競選者的書名翻譯有趣The Tatami Galaxy 四畳半神話大系, Hepburn: Yojōhan Shinwa Taikei, 。「鬼地方英文版目前在美國得到不少書評,甚至有星級書評,請問怎麼辦到的?」

 hc:當陳思宏的粉絲很久,他屢屢得獎......買本鬼地方讀讀 (從中間)。 有點奇怪,這種中文,如何英譯?不過,現在似乎可知,原作和英譯本,都很成功.....

NPR review of Ghost Town!美國全國公共廣播電台(National Public Radio)評論 #鬼地方


The Tatami Galaxy - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_Tat...

The Tatami Galaxy (Japanese: 四畳半神話大系, Hepburn: Yojōhan Shinwa Taikei, lit. "4½ Tatami Mythological Chronicles") is a 2004 Japanese varsity novel ...
再來宣傳一下,東吳大學英文系暨翻譯碩士班舉辦翻譯系列講座,11月16號邀請Professor Darryl Sterk演講,講題為:Google Translate and Literary Transcreation: A Case Study of Kevin Chen’s Ghost Town。
Professor Sterk會親自到東吳大學演講,跟大家分享翻譯 #鬼地方 Ghost Town的甘苦經驗。這場活動實體舉辦,也會線上直播。不在台北的人,可以報名取得連結。
對文學創作有興趣,對翻譯有熱情,想知道鬼地方那些鬼東西到底怎麼翻譯成英文,想知道中翻英英翻中到底要跨過多少藩籬,都別錯過石老師Professor Sterk這場演講。

這題要先拉到出版的前端。能夠賣出英文版權,當然歸功光磊團隊。鏡文學把我的小說外譯版權交給光磊團隊,他們那端做了多少努力,我不能代辛苦的版權人回答。反正很辛苦啦,媽啊。有一個很重要的點就是:團隊準備好了鬼地方的完整英譯版,Darryl Sterk非常迅速做了很厲害的翻譯版,這版是給版代書探編輯看的,有許多額外的註釋與情節梗概,並非最後出版用的。這個翻譯本就是關鍵,讓版代可以清楚讀完整本書的樣貌,做是否報價的決定。如果我有說錯的話,請光磊糾正。可惜大家看不到這個版本,超精彩,我書中寫到的台灣小吃,譯者大人都有清楚註釋。
買一本書的翻譯版權真的很貴,所以出版社當然想要賣書賺錢。拜託誰是Kevin Chen,誰要買?所以一定需要有書評推。
夏天,書根本還沒出版,英國那邊就已經先有Buzz Magazine做出了書評。然後有YouTuber特地做了一集講鬼地方。後來The Irish Times也出現了書評。這就是出版社鋪路的成果。寄書是希望換得曝光,但人家要不要曝光,出版社也不能控制。
美國先是紐約時報書單,媽啊這好驚人,我什麼路人竟然,竟然,上了紐約時報秋季書單。然後是連續幾個重要的書評平台都評論了鬼地方,有星級大盛讚(Booklist,Library Journal),也有負評的(Kirkus),都是獨立的評論,並非商業合作。這些評論都非常重要,對於書的通路鋪書有關鍵影響。我在紐約跟獨立書店老闆聊天,他就坦承是讀了評論,才決定進一疊書。


我尖叫的原因:《鬼地方》英文版Ghost Town,入圍美國筆會翻譯獎PEN Translation Prize長名單Longlist,恭喜這本小說的譯者Darryl Sterk 石岱崙 !
Ghost Town has been placed on the Longlist of PEN Translation Prize 2023. Congratulations!!! Darryl Sterk.
此獎專門獎勵譯者,從1963年開始每年頒發,紐約時報稱之「翻譯界的奧斯卡獎」(the Academy Award of Translation),是美國翻譯文學界的重要大獎。
文化部 補助鬼地方英文版翻譯
美國出版社 Europa Editions
可能是 1 人、書籍和顯示的文字是「 PEN AMERICA 2023 LITERARY AWARDS LONGLISTS PEN Translation Prize CALL ME CASSANDRA Marcial Sala = Moldy Strawberries LINE THE WORLD Kevin m GHOJT TOWN Titaua Peu ear nt North Coast DORTHE NORS fesColsWgh 」的圖像