2022年2月5日 星期六

Love in the Time of Cholera《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 的幾處翻譯


Love in the Time of Cholera《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 的幾處翻譯

Love in the Time of Cholera is a novel by Colombian Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez. The novel was first published in Spanish in 1985.

用英文本當然無法評論翻譯自西班牙文的中文本然而,它們(西班牙文 和 英文,社會制度如俱樂部等,相近,而中文世界通常不相同........)

Love in the Time of Cholera 企鵝版

《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 台北允晨 1991/2000七版

 翻譯討論英文p.122 v 中文版 152~53

Parish Cafe 教區咖啡館

Social Club

She would turn over in the grave   再死  一次

a large number black balls 風風雨雨

chess 象棋

a good intermediate haven 理想的避風港

The words I am about to express: They now have their own crowned goddess. – Leandro Díaz. 

This epigraph does just what a good epigraph should do.
