2020年3月31日 星期二

"Rig their front door so that if they open it the Keurig craps out."

Daily Shouts
C.D.C. Guidelines for Persuading Your Boomer Parents to Stay Home

Rig their front door so that if they open it the Keurig craps out.

"Rig their front door so that if they open it the Keurig craps out."

評論: rig 是固定,即將們用一杯Keurig牌(一杯用)擋住門,門一打開,咖啡就會倒出來,(警告老爸沒居室隔離)。

2020年3月28日 星期六

As Virus Spreads, China and Russia See Openings for Disinformation

As Virus Spreads, China and Russia See Openings for Disinformation
The two powers amplify discredited conspiracy theories and sow division as they look to undermine the United States.
Google 翻譯: 隨著病毒的傳播,中國和俄羅斯看到了虛假信息的空缺


2020年3月26日 星期四

中共邪惡的翻譯竄改:廢"武漢肺炎";一般書Le Corbusier 的《東方遊記》的憲法;Herbert A. Simon 的回憶錄《我生活的模式》的六四、教科書中的靈魂與聖經

讀到一則消息,現在(2020.3.25),中共已將所有報導/文章中"武漢肺炎",一律刪改成官方用語 (報導似乎沒明說名稱,我也少讀中共報紙,姑且信之。)

中共邪惡的翻譯竄改:一般書Le Corbusier 的《東方遊記》的憲法;Herbert A. Simon 的回憶錄《我生活的模式》的六四、教科書中的靈魂與聖經

......最先報導這一新聞的是日本《朝日新聞》在8月1日發表的報導。報導提到:著名的安徒生童話“賣火柴的小女孩”所講的那個小女孩在寒冷的除夕夜擦燃火柴,看見了已故的祖母,祖母說,“當星星落下時,靈魂與上帝同在”,但在中國新版本語文教材中被修改成小女孩的祖母說,“當一顆星星落下時,這個人就離開了這個世界;” 此外,在丹尼爾·笛福的《魯濱遜漂流記》中,主人公從一艘失事的船上拿走了三本《聖經》,在新教材中則修改為拿走了“幾本書”。
【中共发威 上帝被逐出课本】
近年来,中国共产党当局动用独裁权力任意更改上亿中国学生必须使用的教科书频繁成为新闻。这方面的最新的新闻是“#上帝” 和“#圣经”被逐出收进教科书的外国文学作品。

近年来,中国共产党当局动用独裁权力任意更改上亿中国学生必须使用的教科书频繁成为新闻。这方面的最新的新闻是“上帝” 和“圣经”被

Herbert A. Simon 的回憶錄《我生活的模式》缺1989年的北京動亂的親身體驗記;
簡體字版的Le Corbusier 的《東方遊記》將1911年談論土耳其憲法改革的"憲法",改成"建設"。

鄙人的【轉危為安】、【新經濟學】 (台北:經濟新潮;北京:機械工業,2015)的簡體版〈譯者序〉給加些愛國感人的話。

~~《和合本與中文聖經翻譯》; 華文翻譯:夢想與期望 草稿


~~2018年6月1日 星期五中國的"翻譯":書名、憲法、自由等

The Economist
This week’s cover preview:
Xi’s history lessons
August 15th – 21st 2015
Read for free via: http://econ.st/1TwQsFF

2020年3月25日 星期三

from denial and scapegoating to displacement

The novel delivers a masterclass in the psychological stages of an epidemic, from denial and scapegoating to displacement and, finally, belated recognition of the risks and the panic-driven reactions to them.


  displacement 此處非"流離失所",而是心理學用語:
Psychoanalysis the unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from one object to another:this phobia was linked with the displacement of fear of his father 心理分析:一種強烈的情感從一個對像到另一個對象的無意識轉移:這種恐懼症與對父親的恐懼的轉移有關

2020年3月24日 星期二

Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange 《中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流 》

黃詩芸(Alexa Huang) 著《莎士比亞的中國旅行:從晚清到21世紀》Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange 《中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流 》
黃詩芸(Alexa Huang) 著《莎士比亞的中國旅行:從晚清到21世紀》Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchang 中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流e
黃詩芸(Alexa Huang) 著《莎士比亞的中國旅行:從晚清到21世紀》Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchang 中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流e
中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流 Alexa HUANG - Shaksreen contributor shakscreen.org › contributors › alexa_huang Alexa Huang is the author of Chinese Shakesp...

2020年3月23日 星期一

"Bossy" or "assertive", "bubbly" or "charismatic"

"Bossy" or "assertive", "bubbly" or "charismatic": the English language uses different words to describe men and women. The Economist's language expert Lane Greene explores the gender stereotypes used in everyday speech
“ Bossy”或“ assertive”,“ bubbly”或“ charismatic”:英語使用不同的詞來形容男人和女人。 經濟學家的語言專家萊恩·格林(Lane Greene)探索了日常演講中使用的性別定型觀念

如果直接翻譯"Bossy" or "assertive", "bubbly" or "charismatic" 成:“專橫”或“自信”,“起泡”或“超凡魅力”等,有意義嗎?

2020年3月21日 星期六

Attirement of the Bride (La Toilette de la mariée), The Robing of the Bride

The Robing of the Bride [La Toilette de la mariée](1940)
Oil on canvas, 129.6 x 96.3 cm. 
The title of this work had occurred to Ernst at least as early as 1936, when he italicized it in a text in his book "Beyond Painting." Ernst had long identified himself with the bird, and had invented an alter ego, Loplop, Superior of the Birds, in 1929. Thus one may perhaps interpret the bird-man at the left as a depiction of the artist; the bride may in some sense represent the young English Surrealist artist Leonora Carrington.

Max Ernst - Attirement of the Bride (La Toilette de la mariée), 1940. Oil on canvas, 129.6 x 96.3 cm. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy

2020年3月18日 星期三

prisons and jails 監獄和監獄

Total incarceration in the United States by year

The prison population has quadrupled since 1980,[492] and state and local spending on prisons and jails has grown three times as much as that spent on public education during the same period.
Google: 自1980年以來,監獄人口翻了兩番,[492],州和地方對監獄和監獄的支出增長了同期公共教育支出的三倍。

Incarceration of any kind is designed to be an unpleasant experience. But, the policies, rights, and daily life of an inmate can be very different between these two types of institutions. So, what is the difference between jail and prison.

At the most basic level, the fundamental difference between jail and prison is the length of stay for inmates. Think short-term and long-term. Jails are usually run by local law enforcement and/or local government agencies, and are designed to hold inmates awaiting trial or serving a short sentence. Often “short” is designated as a misdemeanor conviction versus a felony, so in some instances where misdemeanor sentences are run consecutively, one may spend more than a year in jail. Jails often operate work release programs and boot camps, and some offer educational, substance abuse, and vocational programs. While many of these programs are designed to help 
the inmates change their lives and improve themselves so they stand a better chance of avoiding a return visit, they also have the added benefit of keeping the inmates occupied and less likely to cause problems for jailers.

Prisons, on the other hand, are typically operated by either a state government or the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). These are designed to hold individuals convicted of more serious crimes, typically any felony. Prisons offer different programs to inmates depending on the inmate's level of custody (i.e., minimum, medium, or maximum security, solitary confinement, etc.). Minimum and medium security programs include halfway houses, work release programs, and community restitution centers. Typically those who are eligible for such programs are nearing the end of their prison terms.




智量譯《葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金》 (1833)中譯本五十年辛苦不尋常:Evgenij Onegin by Aleksandr Puskin(1799-1837)

葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金》(«Евгений Онегин»),是俄國詩人普希金發表於1830年的韻文小說,是俄國現實主義文學的代表作。主角葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金被稱為俄國文學史上第一個「多餘人[1]



 Evgenij Onegin 《永恆的戀人》

Aleksandr Sergeevic Puskin(1799-1837)/鄭清文/志文/俄國

作者: 普希金著,鄭清文譯

金子幸彦訳 筑摩書房 昭和32年(1957年) 世界文学大系 26 『プーシキン レールモントフ』収録





ウラジミール・ナボコフが15年をかけて英訳し、1964年にボーリンゲン財団から出版した。膨大な注釈付きで1200ページを超える大作となった[34]Accordingly, in 1964 he published his own translation, consisting of four volumes, which conformed scrupulously to the sense while completely eschewing melody and rhyme. The first volume contains an introduction by Nabokov and the text of the translation. The Introduction discusses the structure of the novel, the Onegin stanza in which it is written, and Pushkin's opinion of Onegin (using Pushkin's letters to his friends); it likewise gives a detailed account of both the time over which Pushkin wrote Onegin and of the various forms in which the various parts of it appeared in publication before Pushkin's death (after which there is a huge proliferation of the number of different editions). The second and third volumes consist of very detailed and rigorous notes to the text. The fourth volume contains a facsimile of the 1837 edition. The discussion of the Onegin stanza in the first volume contains the poem On Translating "Eugene Onegin", which first appeared in print in The New Yorker on January 8, 1955, and is written in two Onegin stanzas.[7] Nabokov reproduces the poem both so that the reader of his translation would have some experience of this unique form, and also to act as a further defence of his decision to write his translation in prose.

2020年3月14日 星期六

楊牧的英譯者Michelle Yeh (奚密)和日譯者上田 哲二(うえだ てつじ)


楊牧:「愛是心的神明……」何況 春天已經來到 ~節錄《春歌》; Michelle Yeh (奚密), 上田 哲二(うえだ てつじ)

  • No Trace of the Gardener: Poems of Yang Mu. Trans. by L. R. Smith and M. Yeh, Yale University Press, 1998.
  • Memories of Mount Qilai: The Education of a Young Poet. Trans. by John Balcom, Yale University Press, 2015.
  • The Completion of a Poem: Letters to Young Poets. Trans. by Lisa Wong, Brill, 2017
  • Hawk of the Mind: Collected Poems of Yang Mu. Trans. by Michelle Yeh. Columbia University Press, 2018.


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
上田 哲二(うえだ てつじ、1954年 - 2012年4月)は、日本の中国文学者。専攻は台湾文学、日本近代詩歌。


  • 『台湾モダニズム詩の光芒』三恵社 2007


  • 『台湾現代詩集』林水福,是永駿編 是永駿共訳 国書刊行会 2002
  • 『シリーズ台湾現代詩 李魁賢・李敏勇・路寒袖』島由子,島田順子共訳 国書刊行会 2002
  • 『シリーズ台湾現代詩 陳義芝・焦桐・許悔之』松浦恆雄, 島田順子共訳 国書刊行会 2004
  • 『シリーズ台湾現代詩 楊牧・余光中・鄭愁予・白萩』三木直大,是永駿, 島田順子共訳 国書刊行会 2004
  • 『カッコウアザミの歌 楊牧詩集』編訳 思潮社 2006  (熊耳草學名Ageratum houstonianum)為菊科藿香薊屬下的一個種。一年生灌木,原產中美洲,可用於園藝。)
  • 『遥望の歌 張錯詩集』編訳 思潮社 台湾現代詩人シリーズ 2006
  • 楊牧『奇莱前書 ある台湾詩人の回想』思潮社 2007
  • 華麗島の辺縁 陳黎詩集』編訳 思潮社 2010
  • 鍾文音『短歌行 台湾百年物語』山口守, 三木直大,池上貞子共訳 作品社 2012