2020年2月25日 星期二

. “It’s not so much a question of if, but a question of when.”

美國CDC國家免疫與呼吸系統疾病中心主任Nancy Messonnier週二表示,該機構預計疫情將持續蔓延,並呼籲美國企業、學校和社區為潛在的疫情做好準備。Messonnier說,「我們預計會看到病毒在國內社區蔓延,這只是時間問題。」
“Ultimately, we expect we will see coronavirus spread in this country,” CDC Director Nancy Messonnier said. “It’s not so much a question of if, but a question of when.”
美國CDC主任南希·梅森尼爾(Nancy Messonnier)說:“最終,我們預計冠狀病毒將在我國傳播。” “問題與其說會不會大流行,不如說是什麼時候。”

JUST IN: Americans should prepare for "significant disruptions" to their lives from coronavirus, CDC says.

According to the director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, it's no longer a question of if but rather when "community spread" will occur in the U.S.

2020年2月19日 星期三

帽(Riding Hood)、林穴(Woods Hole)等很可能是錯誤的

1930年和1931年夏,汤佩松两次到马萨诸塞州海滨小镇林穴(Woods Hole)的海洋生物学研究所(Marine Bio-logical Laboratory)作短期访问。两次短时间访问结识了许多生物学界的大师,包括当时和后来的几位诺贝尔奖获得者,如遗传学家T.H.摩尔根(Morgan)、细胞生理学家O.瓦布尔格(Warburg)、生物化学家L.米歇利斯(Michaelis)以及有名的李利兄弟(Frank and Ralph Lillie)等等

ウッズホール海洋研究所(ウッズホールかいようけんきゅうじょ、英語: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution、略称: WHOI)は、アメリカ、マサチューセッツ州ウッズ・ホールに所在する海洋研究施設の複合体で、およそ40ほどの建造物より構成されている。
Woods Hole is a seaside village on Cape Cod sparkling with surprises and contradictions. Tiny in size but grand in diversity, Woods Hole mingles tradition with innovation and history with hospitality. A visit to Woods Hole is an important part of ...
Wood 是人名
末2段說 hole是指兩海峽中的"地段/方".....
tury colonists' faith lay in conflict between good and evil. Place names reflected these values. They were assigned by Puritans to replace Wampanoag names of sacred places as part of the Puritan campaign to. Christianize the Wampanoag.

 Le Petit Chaperon rouge

小紅帽(英語:Little Red Riding Hood)是關於一個年輕女孩「小紅帽」和一隻大灰狼歐洲童話故事

中文翻譯Riding Hood)很可能是錯誤的。

Portrait d'un homme au Chaperon Bleu.
Jan van Eyck vers 1430.Portrait of a man with a Blue Riding Hood.
Jan van Eyck circa 1430.

The Grimms defined "Little Red Riding Hood", shown here in an illustration by Arthur Rackham, as representative of a uniquely German tale although it existed in various versions and regions.[16]

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood - J. W. Smith.jpg
Illustration by J. W. Smith


*Little Red Riding Hood* (1923) 💛 Salvador Bartolozzi (1882-1950)

2020年2月18日 星期二


Google Translate
I graffiti nel cortile =院子裡的塗鴉

義大利文graffiti 原議:本来は考古学用語で、壁などに刻まれた古代の絵画や文字。


Paint (words or drawings) on a surface in a careless or clumsy way:they daubed graffiti on the walls

For Cologne artists, light is their paint and the world their canvas

They use flashlights instead of spray cans: A new generation of graffiti artists is putting city landscapes in a whole new light. For a group of light writers from Cologne, the world is - literally - their canvas.

Cruising through the streets in the dark of night, a trio of young men is out to leave their mark on Europe's cities - at least temporarily, with neon lights. The new trend known as light graffiti, or light writing, has one-time spray painters exchanging their paint cans for flashlights.

Il Cortile di Palazzo Bartolini Salimbeni, Firenze ( 16th century)
Architectural style: Italian renaissance
Designed by Italian renaissance architect Baccio d'Agnolo ( Florence, 1462-1543 )
The Palace was built between 1520 & 1523
In this photo of the courtyard we can see grottesche e sgraffiti made by Italian renaissance artist Andrea di Cosimo Feltrini ( 1477-1548 )

I graffiti nel cortile

Graffiti 是塗鴨(隨意的亂塗亂寫。【在電腦塗鴉板中隨意寫字、畫圖的動作。塗鴉板往往是一個簡單的繪圖程式。】)
from Italian
This word originated in Italy
In ancient Rome, when you had a written message for the public, you scratched it on a wall. What else could you do? You didn't have a fax machine, a photocopier, or the World Wide Web. You couldn't even take out an ad in a newspaper.
The walls of Pompeii, preserved for two thousand years under volcanic ash, are marked with numerous examples of this Roman custom. Here are some translated graffiti:
• Successus was here.
• Gaius Julius Primigenius was here. Why are you late?
• Lovers, like bees, lead a honey-sweet life.
• I don't want to sell my husband.
• Burglar, watch out!
• Someone at whose table I do not dine, Lucius Istacidius, is a barbarian to me.
• The fruit sellers ask you to elect Marcus Holconius Priscus as aedile.
• I am amazed, o wall, that you have not collapsed and fallen, since you must bear the tedious stupidities of so many scrawlers.

activist 是異議兼力行份子,不僅是活動人士;activism 非"行動主義"。 紐約時報的China漢譯; translator-activist (Translators step into the literary spotlight after Man Booker win)

紐約時報的漢譯,將China 多翻譯成"大陸",少數"中國大陸"。
我約在一年前說,中國的威嚇無法持久,小英政府必須忍一下 (也許一二年),最後會是贏家。



activist 是異議兼力行份子,不僅是"活動人士"。

noun [C]
a person who believes strongly in political or social change and works hard to try and make this happen:
He's been a trade union/party activist for many years.
a gay activist

Hu Jia 胡佳(維權人士 Rights Activist)

noun [U]
the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one:
black/student activism
The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past fifteen years.


English  https://next.ft.com/content/8baf8aec-1db1-11e6-a7bc-ee846770ec15

Today she sees the blossoming of the translator-activist. They are discovering authors and bringing them to the publisher. “Translators are being seen as grown-ups,” says Ms Schwartz.
如今,她看到了行動主義???譯者的蓬勃發展。他們正在發掘作者並把他們引薦給出版商,正如史密斯引薦《素食主義者》的作者一樣。 “譯者群體如今被視為一個成熟的群體,”施瓦茨稱。
activist 的字典定義:A person who campaigns to bring about political or social change:

Translators step into the literary spotlight after Man Booker win

Rising sales of non-English fiction have boosted the profile of the writers’ art

 英國《金融時報》 艾瑪•雅各布斯 報導

When translator Deborah Smith took to the stage at the Man Booker International prize last week to share the honour — and the £50,000 award — with Han Kang, the South Korean author of The Vegetarian, the spotlight fell on a role that has traditionally been left in the shadows.

不久前,當譯者德博拉•史密斯(Deborah Smith)走上布克國際文學獎(Man Booker International Prize)的頒獎台,與《素食主義者》(The Vegetarian)一書作者、韓國作家韓江(Han Kang)分享這一榮譽以及5萬英鎊的獎金時,譯者這個往往被忽視的角色走到了聚光燈下。

The job’s lowly status was one factor behind the prize’s overhaul, boosting the share of the money awarded to the translator.

Robert Chandler, whose English translations include works by Andrei Platonov, Vasily Grossman and Alexander Pushkin, believes that the arrogance of the English-speaking world has meant that translators are not valued as much as in other cultures, for example, in Russia. An indication of this is that translators’ names are frequently omitted from reviews. “That does upset us and rightly so,” Mr Chandler says. However, he detects a shift in the English-speaking world.
羅伯特•錢德勒(Robert Chandler)曾將安德烈•普拉托諾夫(Andrei Platonov)、瓦西里•格羅斯曼(Vasily Grossman)和亞歷山大•普希金(Alexander Pushkin)等大家的作品翻譯成英文。他認為,英語世界的狂妄自大意味著,譯者不如在其他文化(例如俄羅斯)中受重視。一個表現是,譯者的名字常常被書評忽略。 “這理所當然讓我感到沮喪,”錢德勒表示。然而,他發現英語世界已經出現了轉變。

羅斯•施瓦茨(Ros Schwartz)曾將法國作家安東尼•德聖-埃克絮佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)的《小王子》(Le Petit Prince)翻譯成英文,他目前正在為企鵝經典(Penguin Classics)翻譯比利時作家喬治•西姆農(Georges Simenon)的作品。他認為,譯者的角色已經改變了。 30年前,在她開始翻譯生涯時,譯者的角色是“在出版商的桌邊等著撿麵包屑的卑微僕人”。

Today she sees the blossoming of the translator-activist. They are discovering authors and bringing them to the publisher. “Translators are being seen as grown-ups,” says Ms Schwartz.

如今,她看到了行動主義???譯者的蓬勃發展。他們正在發掘作者並把他們引薦給出版商,正如史密斯引薦《素食主義者》的作者一樣。 “譯者群體如今被視為一個成熟的群體,”施瓦茨稱。

儘管圖書行業喧囂不斷、在線零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)日益主導市場,但是如今出現了越來越多支持翻譯文學的獨立出版商,And Other Stories就是其中之一。

在美國和英國,讀者對英譯小說作品的興趣日益濃厚。布克國際文學獎委託尼爾森圖書(Nielsen Book)所作的研究顯示,在英國,此類作品的銷售額從2001年的890萬英鎊增長至2015年的1860萬英鎊。

《紐約客》(The New Yorker)雜誌的編輯安•戈爾茨坦(Ann Goldstein)曾將埃萊娜•費蘭特(Elena Ferrante)的《我的聰明朋友》(My Brilliant Friend)從意大利文譯為英文。她如今已經小有名氣,她形容這“多少有些荒誕”。不過,她表示,能夠吸引人們關注到翻譯這一行也不失為一件好事。 “費蘭特以那不勒斯為背景的小說如此風靡,使讀者不僅更加清楚地認識了我,也更加清楚地認識了整個譯者群體。”

在戈爾茨坦看來,與費蘭特(沒人知道她的真實身份)的合作是不同尋常的。 2004年,當她開始翻譯《被遺棄的日子》(The Days of Abandonment)時,她會通過編輯向費蘭特提問。這種工作方式目前仍在繼續,不過費蘭特已經允許外界通過電子郵件更多地接觸到自己(費蘭特的信件和隨筆作品集《La Frantumaglia》的英文版將於今年11月出版)。

Europa Editions是一家專注於將歐洲文學引薦給英文讀者的獨立出版商(出版文學虛構作品、非虛構作品以及高端犯罪小說),其英國部主管丹妮拉•彼得拉科(Daniela Petracco)認為,丹麥的《謀殺》(The Killing)和法國的《Spiral》等配字幕的電視節目的熱播有助於打破一種印象,即翻譯過來的小說只有“高雅的精英才喜歡讀”。同時,她表示,施蒂格•拉松(Stieg Larsson)和卡爾•奧韋•克瑙斯高(Karl Ove Knausgaard)向讀者展示了,翻譯過來的小說也可以是“原汁原味、出人意料、引人入勝的”。



英國小說家蒂姆•帕克斯(Tim Parks)曾經將阿爾貝托•莫拉維亞(Alberto Moravia)和尼科洛•馬基亞韋利(Niccolò Machiavelli)等意大利作者的作品譯為英文。他對翻譯作品人氣日益高漲表示謹慎樂觀——不過他指出此前翻譯作品人氣非常低。

不過,施瓦茨稱,即便說英語的譯者對翻譯作品文學性的信心不斷增強,他們也沒有獲得與之相匹配的報酬。她主要的收入來源是為企業做翻譯。 “我可以在早飯前抽空翻譯一份新聞稿,得到的收入和翻譯一章小說是一樣的。”她稱,譯者的稿費從未準確地反映實際的勞動付出。

她稱,為了維持生計,譯者每年不得不翻譯四、五本書,翻譯質量會受到影響。錢德勒對此表示贊同。 “除非是真的熱愛,否則我不認為有人會做翻譯,因為報酬太低了。”

谷歌翻譯(Google Translate)生成的譯文質量粗糙,不太可能取代人類譯者。然而,帕克斯指出,一些文學作品譯者會使用計算機輔助的翻譯軟件(軟件會提示可能的譯法),“來確保他們對書中術語的翻譯前後一致”。



艾莉森•安德森(Alison Anderson)曾翻譯了諾貝爾獎得主J-M• G• 勒克萊齊奧(JMG Le Clézio)的作品。在安德森看來,與原作者產生共感,沉浸到他們的語言風格、思想以及表達思想和意願的方式裡頭,是翻譯的魅力所在。 “如果我沒法與作者的感受同步、或是發現自己很難重現他們的聲音,即便是表面上最直白的文本,比如一本驚悚小說,也可能很難翻。”

不過,就像代筆作家一樣,譯者永遠不可能從自己翻譯的作品中得到最高的報酬。在帕克斯看來,這是一種解脫。 “不用對書中內容負責,而只用讓原著能夠以另一種語言呈現在讀者面前,這是一種極大的解脫。”





2020年2月17日 星期一

'Every scenario on the table' 不是"所有的可能都攤在桌上”

 scenario 指"設想的可能情境",距離"所有的可能"還差多了......


'Every scenario on the table' in China virus outbreak: WHO's ...
www.reuters.com › us-china-health-who-evolution

6 時間前 - The latest data provided by China on people infected with coronavirus indicates a decline in new cases but "every scenario is still on the table" in terms of the epidemic's evolution, the World Health Organization said on ...

the casual, swaggering sadism of a system without accountability

Even patriotic Chinese have glimpsed the casual, swaggering sadism of a system without accountability

Google Translate:甚至愛國的華人也瞥見了一個不負責任的製度的隨意,誇張的虐待主義


Even patriotic Chinese have glimpsed the casual, swaggering sadism of a system without accountability

2020年2月15日 星期六

« Macbeth » Act I. Scene VII

Source: William Shakespeare: « Macbeth » Act I. Scene VII
這"馬克白"中文近十本 現在抄錄呂健忠先生以詩體翻譯的 (台北:書林 1999 pp.124-25)

MACBETH. If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly. If the assassination
Could trammel up the consequence, and catch,
With his surcease, success; that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all -here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We'ld jump the life to come....

如果幹了就了結 那就該
可以一網打盡後患 伸手


如果這事做成了就算完事 那麼這事是愈 快做成愈妙:如其此番暗殺能把後患一網打盡 於暗殺完成之時便算穩獲勝利: 如其只此一擊便可實現一生懷抱 我僅僅說這一生 在這時間之海的淺瀨上 --那麼我們寧可冒了死後的危險而不惜一試了 (註)

Should every work be translated? Maybe not.

Should every work be translated? Maybe not.

A Translation for Our Time?

The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images
A print of Samuel Johnson walking with James Boswell, published in The Graphic, December 1884
Do contemporary approaches to translation tell us something about our times?
Samuel Johnson was the first to offer a brief history of attitudes to translation, observing how some periods produce many translations, others very few, and how each period tends to privilege different criteria when translating. He notes that the Greeks did not translate texts from the Egyptians, that eminent Romans tended to learn Greek and experience it directly rather than make or read Latin versions, that “the Arabs were the first nation who felt the ardour of translation,” when they conquered parts of the Greek empire and sought to acquire their new subjects’ knowledge for themselves. 
Moving to modern times, Johnson analyzed different approaches before and after the Restoration in 1660. The writers before the Restoration, he decided, “had at least learning equal to their genius”; when tackling classical texts, if they couldn’t “exhibit their graces and transfuse their spirit,” they made up for it by translating a great deal, and they “translated literally, that their fidelity might shelter their insipidity or harshness.” The wits of the Restoration, on the other hand, Johnson claims, having “seldom more than slight and superficial views,” hid “their want of learning behind the colours of a gay imagination” hoping “that their readers should accept sprightliness for knowledge, and consider ignorance and mistake as the impatience and negligence of a mind too rapid to stop at difficulties, and too elevated to descend to minuteness.”...