2019年11月10日 星期日


這篇似乎把 Board of Trustees (張忠謀當過MIT的 Trustee,他應該不會只去管錢) 只限於管理University Endowments,沒道理,
現在已知道東海的董事會的世界大戰結束了,也許有人可以想想哈佛大學校長辭職的個案 (約十幾年前)。


Harvard’s leadership is responsible for the strategic vision for the University.
Lawrence S. Bacow leads Harvard, and is the 29th President of the University.
The Office of the Provost, led by Provost Alan M. Garber, fosters collaboration across the University and manages changes in policies and practices that affect the academic life of the university as a whole. The Schools are led by officers and deans, who are responsible for Harvard’s academic programs and curricula.


By charter, Harvard has two governing boards—the President and Fellows of Harvard College (also known as the Corporation) and the Board of Overseers. The basic architecture of the two-board system is defined by the University’s charter, which is reflected in a series of documents dating to the mid-seventeenth century. Through their complementary efforts, the two boards perform the essential roles ordinarily associated with a board of trustees, while helping to shape the University’s agenda, inquiring into the quality and progress of its activities, and assuring that Harvard remains true to its mission.
Chartered in 1650, the Corporation exercises fiduciary responsibility with regard to the University’s academic, financial, and physical resources and overall well-being. It consists of the President, the Treasurer, and other members known as Fellows. The Corporation is in the process of expanding from seven to thirteen members and elaborating its committee structure, in light of reforms adopted by the governing boards in December 2010. The Corporation engages with both questions of long-range strategy, policy, and planning as well as transactional matters of unusual consequence. It serves as a confidential sounding board for the President on matters of importance; meets with deans, vice presidents, and others from time to time to discuss a wide array of programs and plans; and is responsible for approving the University’s budgets, major capital projects, endowment spending, tuition charges, and other matters.

The Board of Overseers is the larger of the two boards, comprising thirty elected members as well as the President and the Treasurer of the University, who serve ex officio. Members are elected by Harvard degree holders other than Corporation members and University officers. Typically, five new Overseers are elected each year to staggered six-year terms, from a slate of eight or more nominees. Drawing on the wide-ranging experience and expertise of its members, the Board exerts broad influence over the University’s strategic directions, provides counsel to the University leadership on priorities and plans, and has the power of consent to certain actions of the Corporation. The Board’s chief functions include superintendence of the visitation process, the principal mechanism for periodic external review of the quality and direction of the University’s schools, departments, and selected other programs and activities. The Board carries out this responsibility largely through the operation of more than fifty visiting committees, whose work is overseen by and reported to the Board.






事實上,公益機構的最上層也像公司一樣叫董事會基本上是一個粗心大意想當然爾的翻譯錯誤。我國有現代式的公益機構為時甚晚,遠在有營利的公司組織之後。在營利與非營利組織都最發達的英美社會,公司的主腦通常叫 Board of Directors,我國引進公司組織,把它翻董事會還算恰當 Director 翻作(主控)事是可以的。但英美社會非營利事業的最上層通常 Board of TrusteesTrustee 嚴格翻應為信託人。這是因為非營利機構的主體常為一大筆私人(或也包含政府)捐助的財產,這財產不屬於任何私人而是社會公眾的。所以需要委託信託人為之做良好管理,勿使損失浪費。故非營利機構(在現代常為財團法人)設 Board of Trustees 以代公眾監管此財產。嚴格的翻譯應翻作信託人會議


 Board of Directors  Board of Trustees 的意義是完全不一樣的。Board of Directors 管錢、管人、管事、管經營全都管。Board of Trustees 只監管這個機構的財務健全。至於這機構的社會服務的目的,則非信託人之所長(信託人所長在財產之管理),乃聘請這種社會服務的專業人士來主持、推動。譬如私立學校,學校之主持、推動、以至實際工作者,即使從最小一個低年級教員或助教都有嚴格之專業訓練學經歷之要求但董事們自己卻不需那種專業。法律上董事(信託人)幾乎沒有任何資格限制。說得難聽一點,依法律,不識字都可以當大學董事。法律沒有要求任何專業訓練或資格限制,因為本來就沒有期望由他們來主持、推動私立學校的辦學管理 
