2019年11月28日 星期四

余國藩 Anthony C. Yu, translator and scholar of religion and literature. Arthur David Waley

今天有機會讀《余國藩院士紀念專輯》,很感謝:它們多少可表達出余國藩這位真正的人文學者 (歐美文藝復興式的通才)。
"......低頭吃飯。那時已屆隆冬,我們走出餐廳,風雪迎 面撲來,老師拉直衣領,冷不防對我說了一句話:「奭學,我有我的骨氣。」事隔 多年,天安門事件他仍耿耿於懷。"
"我聽到老師不止一次說:「我不反對臺灣獨立。」余伯泉將軍一生為 黨國盡忠,地下有知,聽到兒子的話,恐會咋舌。"
" 余老師辦公室掛有一幅現代著名外交家、書法家葉公 超的書畫作品,是葉公超贈送給余老師父親的。師兄徐東風最晚從師門畢業。他是 書法愛好者,每次去余老師辦公室,都會看一眼掛在牆上的葉公超真跡。在東風畢 業時,余老師將此幅字贈送給他,徐東風不敢拿,但余老師堅持給他,說自己兒子 也不懂這畫,還是贈給知音。徐東風終於接受,並說以後一定捐給博物館。"
李奭學 主編的,近百頁的《余國藩院士紀念專輯》,應該是中文界中最全的。 當時我與孫康宜教授談:在師大聽余國藩院士,盡心盡力,感人。 今天有機會讀《余國藩院士紀念專輯》,很感謝:它們多少可表達出余國藩這位真...

  • Ben Chen 看到有pdf,真是功德無量。



2015/05/18 - Anthony C. Yu, a scholar of religion and literature best known for his landmark translation of the Chinese epic The Journey to ... Yu, PhD'69, rediscovered Journey to the West as a young scholar at the University of Chicago. ... The book received the Laing Prize from the University of Chicago Press in 1984.
The book The Journey to the West, Revised Edition, Volume 1, Translated and Edited by Anthony C. Yu is published by University of Chicago Press.
Anthony Christopher Yu was a scholar of literature and religion, eastern and western. At the time of his death he was Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities and Professor Emeritus of Religion and Literature in the Chicago Divinity School; also in the Departments of Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and ...
JCY Wang 著 - ‎1978
The Journey to the West. Volume I. Translated and Edited By Anthony C. YuChicagoUniversity of Chicago Press, 1977. xiii, 530 pp. Notes. $25.00 - Volume 37 Issue 4 - John C. Y. Wang.
Tony Yu is best known—meaning, in this case, known well beyond the circle of Chinese-‐‑literature specialists—for his masterful translation of Xi you ji 西遊記 (Journey to the West, 4 volumes, first edition, University of Chicago Press, ...


少看武俠小說 它們多半說說而已
雖然他說  如果沒有佛教的傳入   就不會有西遊記
他還為英國著名的東方學者Arthur David Waley (19 August 1889 – 27 June 1966) 翻譯的英美版寫序:Monkey, 1942 和The Adventures of Monkey
這是節譯本 Amazon.com: Monkey: Folk Novel of China (9780802130860): Wu Ch'eng ... - [ 翻譯此頁 ]Wu Ch'eng-en (Author), Arthur Waley (Translator), Hu Shih (Introduction) ..
我1978年在英國仍可以買到   不過當時沒想到要看胡適的序言
 (我英文老師說他喜歡這本薄薄的英譯本  他的表情令我印象深刻)
 中研院胡適的祝壽論文集 Arthur Waley 有貢獻一篇: Some References to Iranian Temples in the Tun-huang Region--- 史語所  集刊第二十八本 (1957) 〈上〉

Chih-Ping Chou, ‎Hu Shih - 2013 - ‎Philosophy
Literature and Society Hu Shih Chih-Ping Chou. Wu died without any children. The anonymity of the authorship of Monkey was so complete that for over three centuries the general reading public actually ... The Pilgrimage to India (Chapters 13—100) Mr. Waley's version in 30 chapters has translated Part I and Part II almost ...
