2019年10月5日 星期六

Fonda promotes "generativity"., stigma, stigmatizing

Near the end of the book, Fonda promotes "generativity"—the nurturing of the younger generation, to enrich the third act. Fonda has manifested this by founding the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention.
拍《金池塘》的時候,我跟凱薩琳赫本建立了非常深厚的友 誼。老年學專家指出,想讓自己老得健康快樂,有個重要條件,就是要具備所謂的「代際關懷」(generativity   hc按:一般指有生產能力、有活力、生生不息的;此處指老年人要用照顧年輕一代,以豐富自己的人生最後一慕,第三幕---60歲起......)。
這是知名心理學家艾瑞克森發明的術語,意思是發揮做為長輩的角色,照顧並關心下一代的成長。研究已經證明,具備這種關懷的人,往往老得比較健康。 而對我來說,當年的凱薩琳赫本就是一個關懷後進的長輩,對我特別照顧,更傳給我許多人生智慧。


Line breaks: gen¦era|tive
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛn(ə)rətɪv/


  • 1Relating to or capable of production or reproduction: the female reproductive system and its generative cycles
  • 2Denoting an approach to any field of linguistics that involves applying a finite set of rules to linguistic input in order to produce all and only the well-formed items of a language: generative phonology




More example sentences
  • I hope I need not say that special respect for generativity does not require stigmatizing the non-generative.
  • After that perhaps twenty-year time period, a woman emerges fully into her new life of deeper uniqueness, generativity, nurturance, and creativity.
  • If you feel that kind of generativity, you'll never be bored with life.


late Middle English: from late Latin generativus, from generare 'beget' (see generate).

stigmata ( L. ):五傷:與耶穌受難時釘痕相似的記號,曾在(亞西西 Assisi )聖方濟及其他人身上出現過。拉丁文 stigma ,原意指傷痕、印記。1926年10月3日和附近,有4則七百年紀念的剪報。
胡適日記"....他是中古的一個怪傑, 他歌頌貧窮, 反對一切物質上的享受, 最近於原始基督教 ,然離今日西洋文化的精神最遠。"
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Today marks the Feast day for St. Francis of Assisi, depicted here on an enameled morse. Saint Francis of Assisi (1181/2–1226) is shown receiving the stigmata (wounds) of Jesus Christ on his hands, feet, and side.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Morse with Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata | ca. 1300–1350 | Made in Tuscany, Italy http://met.org/1hg7FGJ
