2013年6月1日 星期六

technicality, Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with Translation Technology

There were many more chapters in Mr. Battelle’s life. In 1966, he sheared the locks of many of the women who attended Truman Capote’s Black and White Ball at the Plaza Hotel, including Pamela Harriman and Lauren Bacall. In 1969, he marketed a makeup kit to add “a delicate glow” to bosoms. In 1990, his studio burned to the ground, and because of a technicality, he recovered no insurance money. He moved to the Helmsley Palace Hotel, then to the Waldorf-Astoria.
1990年,他的工作室在火災中夷為平地,因為技術問題,他沒能獲得 任何保險賠償。


Pronunciation: /ˌtɛknɪˈkalɪti/
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Definition of technicality

noun (plural technicalities)

  • a point of law or a small detail of a set of rules, as contrasted with the intent or purpose of the rules:their convictions were overturned on a technicality
  • (technicalities) the specific details or terms belonging to a particular field:he has great expertise in the technicalities of the game
  • [mass noun] the state of being technical; the use of technical terms or methods:the extreme technicality of the proposed constitution

1 [U]専門的であること, 専門的性質;専門的方法[用語]の使用.
2 [C]((しばしば-ties))専門的な問題[事項, 表現], (細かな)法解釈;ルール上のちょっとしたミス.

陝西女孩馮羽剛剛從倫敦帝國學院(又譯帝國理工學院)科技與醫療翻譯碩士(MSc in Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with Translation Technology)畢業,目前在聯合國駐荷蘭某國際機構參加為期半年的實習。 子川:你在中國大學本科學的是英語專業, ...

上文對 "Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with Translation Technology"的翻譯略掉畫底線的重要部分 因為翻譯者不知道 translation technology 的專業意義.
