最近幾天補讀永安翻譯的 The Vicar’s Garden and Other Stories by D. H. Lawrence
DHL 的文字,就是那麼不同。或許,所有的翻譯都無法取代原文。連書名都無法認真翻譯…..
譬如說 ,A Sort of Life by Graham Greene*
這種 說法,是英國人歷盡滄桑或玩世不恭時的用語。
“ Well, what a man to do? It’s no sort of life for a man of my years, to sit at my own hearth like a stranger….”ODOUR OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS by D. H. Lawrence
kind of
Also, sort of. Rather, somewhat, as in I'm kind of hungry, or The bird looked sort of like a sparrow. [Colloquial; c. 1800] This usage should not be confused with a kind of or a sort of, which are much older and refer to a borderline member of a given category (as in a kind of a shelter or a sort of a bluish color). Shakespeare had this usage in Two Gentlemen of Verona (3:1): "My master is a kind of a knave." Also see of a kind.