2011年7月1日 星期五

集體精神 ? esprít de córps


10. 集體 [ji2ti3], adj., done by many people, collective: 集體創作 work done by many participants; 集體精神 荥prit de corps; 集體領導 collective leadership; 集體農場 collective farm; 集體安全 collective security.


esprít de córps[esprít de córps]

(də kôr') pronunciation
A common spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion to a cause among the members of a group. See synonyms at morale.

[French : esprit, spirit + de, of + corps, group, body.]

[U]団体精神, 団結心. ▼軍隊精神や愛校[愛社]心などをもいう.
