2008年5月2日 星期五

「布魯姆日的小段 飲食男女」翻譯比較


Its hump bumped as he took it up.會不會是茶壺蓋撞擊聲....

英漢對照、比較「布魯姆日的小段 飲食男女」


Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.


He prodded a fork into the kidney and slapped it over: then fitted the teapot on the tray. Its hump bumped as he took it up. Everything on it? Bread and butter, four, sugar, spoon, her cream. Yes. He carried it upstairs, his thumb hooked in the teapot handle.



Nudging the door open with his knee he carried the tray in and set it on the chair by the bedhead.
-- What a time you were! she said.
──怎麼這麼慢啊!莫莉說。 【李奭學/譯】


She set the brasses jingling as she raised herself briskly, an elbow on the pillow. He looked calmly down on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her nightdress like a shegoat's udder. The warmth of her couched body rose on the air, mingling with the fragrance of the tea she poured.

她一隻手肘撐住枕頭,一骨碌就從床上坐起,床頭的銅環震得丁東作響。布魯姆彎下腰,靜靜睇著她一身的豐腴,雙眼沿著巨大柔軟的乳房中間溜下去。睡袍裡面,一對奶子像母羊的乳房斜垂。莫莉身軀半躺,體溫浮上空中,和倒出來的茶四溢的香氣凝為一體。【李奭學/譯】 【2004/06/16 聯合報】

