2024年11月29日 星期五

彭鏡禧的譯路,譯業簡述,散見彭鏡禧《拾零:敝帚自珍集》2024 等


彭鏡禧《拾零:敝帚自珍集》談譯《非理性的人--存在哲學研究》1969 1971,台北志文新潮文庫 31, Irrational Man By William Barrett 英文原書 1958。 書緣和對張清吉的感恩,都可參考《拾零:敝帚自珍集》 2024  合作翻譯 國科會:布雷希特  《四川好人》、《高加索灰闌記》 聯經出版   

彭鏡禧《拾零:敝帚自珍集》2024 兩主題就是「莎士比亞」和「文學翻譯」,很平實,充實的回憶文錄,充滿感恩。末篇《寵兒的告白》(台大的「我的學思歷程」演講)   也可作全書導引  。澳洲總理安東尼·阿爾巴尼斯(Anthony Albanese)表示,需要立法來保護年輕人免受社交媒體的「傷害」


合作翻譯 國科會:布雷希特  四川好人》、《高加索灰闌記》
https://www.linkingbooks.com.tw › ...

參見彭鏡禧《拾零:敝帚自珍集 紀念   9 胡老師,謝謝您!》

四川好人、高加索灰闌記. 四川好人、高加索灰闌記. 作者譯注者:鄭芳雄、彭鏡禧出版社:聯經出版日期:2005/1










這本集子收錄了六十三篇長短不一的文字,是筆者近一甲子以來零星發表在報章雜誌或學報,但未曾結集成書的作品。整理的時候,發現從這些拾掇起來的零碎,可以拼湊出自己學術生涯的軌跡。美國詩人佛洛斯特(Robert Frost, 1874–1963)有一首膾炙人口的詩〈未擇之路〉(“The Road Not Taken”),對自己的選擇似乎略有憾焉,我則慶幸自己很早就註定了這輩子要走的路:文學翻譯與莎士比亞研究。
本集的內容按照性質略分為八個單元。首先是「莎士比亞札記」,所收八篇多是我對莎翁劇作粗淺簡約的看法,乃日後發展為較成熟之學術論文的基石。第二個單元「動畫莎劇」八篇源於英國 BBC2電視台與威爾士電視台 S4C 合製、每個劇本濃縮為三十分鐘以內的Shakespeare: The Animated Tales。首篇是紀蔚然、石昌杰兩位教授與筆者的對談,綜論此一動畫系列,旁及劇本改編問題;其他則是筆者個人對其中七齣動畫的簡要觀察。第三個單元「看戲」十篇,包括劇評以及閱讀文本的心得。第四個單元「讀書」八篇,都是應邀而寫的序文或評論。第五個單元七篇,名之為「學術翻譯」,內中五篇論述美國文學,一篇記錄中國古典文學研究歷程,另一篇評介一本根據「佚失的」莎士比亞劇本《卡丹紐》新編的同名話劇。第六個單元也是翻譯作品,但內容並非學術論文,而是文學創作,有小說,有戲劇對白,有散文,有詩,因此名之曰「文學作品翻譯」,共八篇。其中有幾篇是五十多年前大學時期發表於《拾穗》的舊作。第七個單元「紀念」記錄了多位師友對我的深遠影響。最後一個單元是一些學術或非學術的雜感,無法歸入以上七類,故名為「其他」;置於卷尾的「寵兒的告白」,是根據在臺大《我的學思歷程》系列演講整理而成。
這本選集幾乎排除了個人所有詩的翻譯,也許日後可以另編一本譯詩選。英文有一句成語:All his geese are swans,嘲諷把自家的醜小鵝捧若天鵝的人。則本書的六十三篇,至多是敝帚自珍的鵝毛而已,本不值一哂,尚祈讀者諸君諒之。若干作品原本包含或多或少的註釋,如今悉數刪除,但每一篇都標明出處,以便有興趣者查考。
彭鏡禧 謹誌



1 莎劇淺說
2 淺談莎士比亞的戲劇藝術
3 千古不息的妒火:《奧賽羅》
4 戲耶?真耶?──戲說《亨利四世》
5 為莎學研究樹立新里程碑
6 問世間,情為何物?
7 戲中之戲:莎翁的《仲夏夜之夢》
8 再見卡丹紐

1 莎劇動畫座談:戲.動畫.莎士比亞
2 嘉年華之必要:《第十二夜》
3 關於年少輕狂和愛的甜美:《羅密歐與茱麗葉》
4 失色的愛情:《奧賽羅》
5 《馴悍記》:挑戰新女性?嘲諷大男人?
6 悲喜人間:《冬天的故事》
7 哈姆雷的天人交戰
8 野心的報償:《馬克白》

1 計將安出?淺說關漢卿編劇的一項特色
2 竇娥的性格刻劃──兼論元雜劇的一項慣例
3 假戲假做跟假戲真做──兩種「戲中戲」
4 《紅鼻子》戲中戲
5 再碾一次玉:重讀姚著《碾玉觀音》
6 我看《真?理》
7 小人物.大哀愁──哈武德《服裝師》簡介
8 推陳出新:我看莎劇《錯中錯》
9 馴悍記,尋漢記,或尋憾記
10 顛倒眾生:《莎姆雷特》啟示錄

1 期待多元的世界文學經典論集(閱讀《西方正典》)
2 「演義」莎士比亞
3 莎士比亞十四行詩
4 《嘉德橋市長》
5 愛,永遠年輕──喜讀《鄉野小子》(序)
6 填補歷史的空白(《「肋」在其中》代序)
7 我詩,故我在:悅讀揭春雨
8 捧讀《雲中錦箋:中國莎學書信》

1 艾德格.愛倫.坡的《怪譚奇聞故事集》
2 霍桑的《七角大廈》
3 惠特曼的〈自我之歌〉
4 亨利.詹姆士的《奉使記》
5 論伊迪斯.華頓的主要小說
6 尋尋覓覓:從燕昭王的黃金臺說起
7 莎士比亞佚失的一齣戲

1 叔叔的夢
2 爸爸.小提琴.我
3 富蘭克林與痛風夫人的對白
4 一枚胸針
5 正好眠
6 夢
7 一舉成名
8 小品斯洛伐克:十二帖

1 師恩難忘
2 施與受
3 朱老師,晚安
4 使命感與使命幹──一個伙計眼中的顏老闆
5 開風氣之先:懷念恩師顏元叔教授
6 懷恩師──紀念虞爾昌先生一百週年冥誕
8 敬悼余光中先生
9 胡老師,謝謝您!

1 請李白杜甫搭捷運
2 《尋找歷史場景:戲劇史學面面觀》編者前言
3 跨文化作品的原創本質
4 畢業
5 寵兒的告白

2024年11月24日 星期日

The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham, 第一段翻譯討論 (部分)


《月亮與六便士》傅惟慈 譯, 新潮文庫 368  ,1995/1999    The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham, 

The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham, first published on 15 April 1919. It is told in episodic form by a first-person narrator providing a series of glimpses into the mind and soul of the central character, Charles Strickland, a middle-aged English stockbroker, who abandons his wife and children abruptly to pursue his desire to become an artist. The story is, in part, based on the life of the painter Paul Gauguin.

《月亮和六便士》 是威廉·薩默塞特·毛姆的一本小說,以第一人稱通過對中心人物查爾斯·思特里克蘭德(Charles Strickland)心靈的描述,展現一個中年英國股票經紀人如何突然扔下妻子和孩子去追尋成爲藝術家的夢想。故事一說是取材於畫家保羅·高更的生活。

About the title


According to some sources, the title, the meaning of which is not explicitly revealed in the book, was taken from a review in The Times Literary Supplement of Maugham's novel Of Human Bondage, in which the novel's protagonist, Philip Carey, is described as being "so busy yearning for the moon that he never saw the sixpence at his feet."[3] According to a 1956 letter from Maugham, "If you look on the ground in search of a sixpence, you don't look up, and so miss the moon." Maugham's title echoes the description of Gauguin by his contemporary biographer, Meier-Graefe (1908): "He [Gauguin] may be charged with having always wanted something else."[2]

The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham, 第一段翻譯討論 (部分)

Chapter I
 I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. 
Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness. 

I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstances reduces it to very discreet proportions.
 The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician, and the General without an army is but the tame hero of a market town. 

The greatness of Charles Strickland was authentic. 
It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest.
 He disturbs and arrests. 

傅惟慈 譯

The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him.
 His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits.
It is still possible to discuss his place in art, and the adulation of his admirers is perhaps no less capricious than the disparagement of his detractors; but one thing can never be doubtful, and that is that he had genius. 

傅惟慈 譯


To my mind the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist; and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand faults. I suppose Velasquez was a better painter than El Greco, but custom stales one’s admiration for him: the Cretan, sensual and tragic, proffers the mystery of his soul like a standing sacrifice. 

remaining in force or use; permanent.
"he has a standing invitation to visit them"

The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense; but that is akin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity: he lays before you also the greater gift of himself. To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story. It is a riddle which shares with the universe the merit of having no answer. The most insignificant of Strickland’s works suggests a personality which is strange, tormented, and complex; and it is this surely which prevents even those who do not like his pictures from being indifferent to them; it is this which has excited so curious an interest in his life and character.

2024年11月9日 星期六

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" 《天地一沙鷗》

 名作家 姚朋(1926年1月8日—),字尚友,筆名彭歌

  • 《天地一沙鷗》,巴哈撰,彭歌譯,臺北:中央日報社,1973年[7]


Classic Bookworm 

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" is a novella written by Richard Bach, first published in 1970. This allegorical fable tells the story of a seagull named Jonathan Livingston, who is not content with the mundane life of his flock, which focuses solely on finding food. Instead, Jonathan is passionate about flying and seeks to master the art of flight, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for a seagull.
The narrative explores themes of personal reflection, freedom, and self-realization. Jonathan's journey is one of self-discovery as he learns that boredom, fear, and anger can limit one's potential. By overcoming these obstacles, he embraces his individuality and pursues his dreams, ultimately living a fulfilling life. The novella emphasizes the importance of following one's passions and the pursuit of excellence, regardless of societal expectations.
Illustrated with black-and-white photographs by Russell Munson, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" has resonated with readers for its inspirational message about the pursuit of personal goals and the courage to be different. The story encourages readers to break free from conformity and to strive for greatness, making it a timeless classic that continues to inspire generations.
You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.

2024年11月6日 星期三

英國人喝酒時唱的歌;歐本海默在哥倫比亞大學創校200周年慶 Columbia University Bicentennial的講詞(Prospects in arts and sciences全國廣播) 。 Othello (sings) And let me the cannikin clink, clink, And let me the cannikin clink. A soldier’s a man, 70 A life’s but a span, Why then let a soldier drink. Some wine, boys!


英國人喝酒時唱的歌;歐本海默在哥倫比亞大學創校200周年慶 Columbia University Bicentennial的講詞(Prospects in arts and sciences全國廣播) 。 Othello (sings) And let me the cannikin clink, clink, And let me the cannikin clink. A soldier’s a man, 70 A life’s but a span, Why then let a soldier drink. Some wine, boys!


A life's  but a span.


65Some wine, ho!(sings)And let me the cannikin clink, clink,And let me the cannikin clink.A soldier’s a man,70A life’s but a span,Why then let a soldier drink.Some wine, boys!

This is My Philosophy(孫中興贈1992)/選集《廿世紀命運與展望》
另一利益者碰到不同的問題。歐本海默在哥倫比亞大學創校200周年慶的講詞(Prospects in arts and sciences全國廣播) 1954/1955原文為講詞,但是作者是個有藝術修養的科學家,對弈者而言,他想用整段"意譯"的方式處理,根本會丟掉許多話.....最後第二段甚至整段刪去。見譯本頁123, 原文頁112~113。

廿世紀命運與展望 作者: 羅素.史懷哲.....志文出版社,1971/1986 再版,新潮文庫59   80元

(Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970). 

This is My Philosophy: 20 of the World's Outstanding Thinkers Reveal the Deepest Meanings They Have Found in Life Hardcover – 1957年 1月 1日

七十好幾歲感言之七:數十年後重讀莎士比亞原劇及W. Edwards Deming引用之感想:"沒有耐心的人多麼可悲啊!How poor are they that have not patience."《奧賽羅》,Ⅱ,iii ;兼讀Allan Bloom談「政治、詩與莎士比亞」 Cosmopolitan Man and the Political Community: Othello

 七十好幾歲感言之七:數十年後重讀莎士比亞原劇及W. Edwards Deming引用之感想:"沒有耐心的人多麼可悲啊!How poor are they that have not patience."《奧賽羅》,Ⅱ,iii ;兼讀Allan Bloom談「政治、詩與莎士比亞」  Cosmopolitan Man and the Political Community: Othello    。楊牧傳奇論稿(鄭政恆).....莎士比亞傳奇劇《暴風雨》(The Tempest);賴香吟專輯 國家與小寫的人 白色畫像: 清志先生(中篇小說: 1958 病情.....1982 動物園。     葉珊/楊牧作品作為座標之一),《春山文藝》第二期。台北:春山。2020年9月,含訪談賴香吟X莊瑞琳對談,〈一個半徑很大的零〉:   賴香吟創作年表  



( How poor are they that have not patience.
lago to Roderigo,Shakespeare’s Othello,Ⅱ,iii。)


談到 "Othello",整理點資料:

在2005年的SU:近讀些Allan Bloom談「政治、詩與莎士比亞」等,更覺得必須圍勦威尼斯(「一座色彩斑爛的美麗城市」)才行。【】
Bloom, Allan Shakespeare\'s Politics. With Harry V. Jaffa. 160 p. 5-1/4 x 8 1964 /Fall 1996
日譯本:Shakespeare's Politics. (1966/1981) (with Harry V. Jaffa). 『シェイクスピアの政治学』松岡啓子 訳,信山社出版,2005 
1: Introduction: Political Philosophy and Poetry 
2: On Christian and Jew: The Merchant of Venice 
3: Cosmopolitan Man and the Political Community: Othello 
4: The Morality of the Pagan Hero: Julius Caesar 
5: The Limits of Politics: King Lear, Act I, Scene i 
Harry V. Jaffa

----W. Edwards Deming
Principles for Transformation of Western Management
Chapter 2, Out of the Crisis

Chapter 17 Theory of Variances
“How poor are they that have not patience!” Iago to Roderigo in Shakespeare’s Othello, Act 111, Scene iii. A.

The title is taken from from Act III, Scene 3, lines 347--354 of Shakespeare's Othello, where Othello says: O, now for ever Farewell the tranquil mind! farewell content! Farewell the plumed troop, and the big wars That make ambition virtue! O, farewell! Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump, The spirit-stirring drum, th'ear-piercing fife, The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!  這段,梁實秋的翻譯比較按部就班:永別了安寧的心境;永別了滿足;永別了使野心成為美德的羽軍和大戰!啊!永別了!永別了嘶鳴的戰馬,銳聲的喇叭,助威的顰鼓,刺耳的軍笛,威風凜凜的大纛,以及光榮戰爭中的一切璀爍壯麗的鋪張!
 朱生豪的翻譯比較簡麗:永別了,安寧的心緒!永別了,平和的幸福!永別了!威武的大軍,激發壯志的戰爭!啊!永別了!永別了,長嘶的駿馬,銳利的號角,驚魂的顰鼓,刺耳的橫笛、莊嚴的大旗和一切戰陣上的威儀! …..」