翻譯討論:Carl Jung, 《尋求靈魂的現代人》 Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Quod licet Iovi (Jovi), non licet bovi
Carl Jung, 《尋求靈魂的現代人》 ( Modern Man in Search of a Soul)
黃奇銘譯,新潮文庫 63,台北:志文出版社,1971.9 (1972.8.8 買)
下兩段的中文本,可參考《尋求靈魂的現代人》末頁 (心理治療者與牧師,p. 287 脫稿1970.1) 本書將 protestants against Protestantism 翻譯成 "也有天主教反對新教徒的".....
As a Swiss, I am an inveterate democrat, yet I recognize that nature is aristocratic and, what is even more, esoteric. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi is an unpleasant but an eternal truth. Who are forgiven
their many sins? Those who have loved much. But as to those who love little, their few sins are held against them. I am firmly convinced that a vast number of people belong to the fold of the Catholic Church and nowhere else, because they are most suitably housed there.
I am as much persuaded of this as of the fact, which I have myself observed, that a primitive religion is better suited to primitive people than Christianity, which is so incomprehensible to them and so foreign to their blood that they can only ape it in a disgusting way. I believe, too, that there must be protestants against the Catholic Church, and also protestants against Protestantism for the manifestations of the spirit are truly wondrous, and as varied as Creation itself.
Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Quod licet Iovi (Jovi), non licet bovi,這拉丁引銀,在《尋求靈魂的現代人》出現兩處,另一次在
Quod licet Iovi (Jovi), non licet bovi ,《尋求靈魂的現代人》翻譯為"上帝可做之事,臣子未必可做。"
Collected Works of C.G. Jung: The First Complete English ...
https://books.google.com.tw › booksC.G. Jung, Gerhard Adler, Michael Fordham · 1973 · PsychologyOr is it a case of
“quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi”? But this would be to forget that the word “subject” (Untertan) has not existed in Switzerland for a ...
Amazon - Quod licet Iovi (Jovi), non licet bovi latin quote What is permissible for Jupiter is not permissible for a bull notebook: Lined Journal for person ...
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Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi is a Latin phrase, literally "What is permissible for Jupiter may not be permissible for a bull". The locus classicus (origin) for the phrase is the novella Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (1826) by Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, although it is not entirely clear that Eichendorff coined the phrase himself. In his play Heauton Timorumenos,[1] Terence, a playwright of the Roman Republic, coined a similar phrase, Aliis si licet, tibi non licet ("to others it is permitted; to you it is not permitted").
The phrase is often translated as "Gods may do what cattle may not". It indicates the existence of a double standard (justifiable or otherwise), and essentially means "what is permitted to one important person or group, is not permitted to everyone."[2]
See also[edit]
1耶穌又對門徒們說:「曾有一個富翁,他有一個管家;有人在主人前告發這人揮霍了主人的財物。 |
2主人便把他叫來,向他說:我怎麼聽說你有這樣的事?把你管理家務的帳目交出來,因為你不能再作管家了。 |
3那管家自言自語道:主人要撤去我管家的職務,我可做什麼呢?掘地罷,我沒有氣力;討飯罷,我又害羞。 |
4我知道我要做什麼,好叫人們,在我被撤去管家職務之後,收留我在他們家中。 |
5於是,他把主人的債戶一一叫來,給第一個說:你欠我主人多少? |
6那人說:一百桶油。管家向他說:拿你的賬單,坐下快寫作五十。 |
7隨後,又給另一個說:你欠多少?那人說:一百石麥子。管家向他說:拿你的賬單,寫作八十。 |
8主人遂稱讚這個不義的管家,辦事精明:這些今世之子應付自己的世代,比光明之子更為精明。 |
9我告訴你們:要用不義的錢財交結朋友,為在你們匱乏的時候,好叫他們收留你們到永遠的帳幕裏。 |
10在小事上忠信的,在大事上也忠信;在小事上不義的,在大事上也不義。 |
11那麼,如果你們在不義的錢財上不忠信,誰還把真實的錢財委托給你們呢? |
12如果你們在別人的財物上不忠信,誰還把屬於你們的交給你們呢? |
13沒有一個家僕能事奉兩個主人的:他或是要恨這一個而愛那一個,或是要依附這一個而輕忽那一個:你們不能事奉天主而又事奉錢財。」 |