受教記: "Squarings xxxvii" by Seamus Heaney 的中文翻譯之討論:從《方形》到 “方格”(“ 打弹珠”)
書名:《深呼吸:米家路中英對照詩選1981-2018 》,
48首12行( 3行*4 )的短诗
星期日读一首诗:希尼 《方形》(中译黄灿然). Read a poem each Sunday: "Squarings xxxvii" by Seamus Heaney
Hanching Chung
Poem Squarings xxxvii by Seamus Heaney - Essay
https://fawbie.info › seeing-things › squarings-xxxvii
Squarings xxxvii. Heaney revealed his sudden 'feeding-frenzy' to DOD (p,325) : Shortly after I came home (from a trip to Rome in 1989), I was pouncing for ...
Squarings xxxvii by Seamus Heaney - Analysis
https://fawbie.info › Seeing Things
Squarings xxxvii. Heaney revealed his sudden 'feeding-frenzy' to DOD (p,325) : Shortly after I came home (from a trip to Rome in 1989), I was pouncing for ...
Edna Wu
Heaney's poem is a poet's response to Cold Mountain, a collection of poems by Han Shan (Cold Mountain). Reading Cold Mountain, Heaney realized that poetry (or Cold Mountain) is a state of mind or states of mind. Han Shan's is spontaneous, "Unfussy and believable." After reading Heaney's response, I realize that poetry , especially Western modern poetry, is very much an insight or a flash of an fresh or unique idea. Heaney's poem has some rhythm and rhyme; its Chinese translation is just prosy.