2021年1月17日 星期日

Assumption Abbey


阿赫穆特修道院是一座僻靜的修道院,座落在密蘇里州奧薩克山麓。 1950年由一羣來自新梅勒雷修道院的僧侶在低地杜布克建立。 多年來,假定修道院的兄弟們一直以他們的奉獻生活和傳統的好客聞名。 我們是11世紀在法國西託修道院建立的希斯特西家族的成員,該教會的名字就在這裏。 假設修道院是美國許多通過生產和銷售專門食品來維持自己的修道院之一,所有修道院都繼續以沉思和學習,共同崇拜和靠自己手頭勞動爲生的古老傳統爲生。 ........

Assumption Abbey, located in Richardton, North Dakota, is a Benedictine abbey of the American-Cassinese Congregation (different from the Subiaco Cassinese Congregation), founded in 1893 by a monk of the Swiss abbey of Einsiedeln.


The North Dakota community became a conventual priory on February 18, 1894. Originally called St. Gall’s, the monks relocated from the north shore of Devils Lake to the city of Richardton on June 24, 1899, and changed the name to St. Mary’s Priory.

In 1903 the Holy See raised the community to the rank of abbey and Vincent dePaul Wehrle, the founder, was elected first abbot. On October 29, 1928, the community and its property was incorporated under the title Assumption Abbey. By decree of the Holy See, the Abbey was transferred from the Swiss-American Congregation[1] to the American-Cassinese Congregation[2] on October 18, 1932.

As of December 2009, there were 56 monks in the community. Assumption Abbey has a dependent daughter monastery in Bogotá, Colombia: Monasterio Benedictino de Tibatí which runs the prestigious Colegio San Carlos.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary :聖母蒙召升天:教宗碧嶽十二世於 1950  11  1  頒佈《廣賜恩寵的天主》 Munificentissimus Deus 憲章,欽定聖母蒙召升天為信條:「無染原罪的天主之母」,卒世童貞瑪利亞,在完成她塵世的旅程後,靈魂肉身一起被提升到天堂,進入天國的光榮,節日在八月十五日。

Assumptionists :聖母升天會: (1)1845 年由達松神父( Emmanuel d'Alzon )創立于法國的修會;奉行聖思定會規,著黑色會服,開辦學校,編輯出版教會書籍,並負責傳教工作。該會全名為 Augustinians of the Assumption ,縮寫為 A.A.  (2) 另有一些修會也用此名。
