2018年3月3日 星期六

Patrician vs Aristocrat - What's the difference?

Richard Hofstadter著,王世憲譯,《美國政治傳統與其塑造者》The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, 1948

美國政治傳統與其塑造者, 李查德˙霍夫斯塔特(著)、
王世憲(譯), Richard Hofstadter (1948). The American Political Tradition: And the Men Who Made it. Knopf.

 Richard Hofstadter著,王世憲譯,《美國政治傳統與其塑造者The American Political Tradition: and the Men Who Made It, 1948,台北市:商務印書館,民68/1979。

第一章:開國元勛們:現實主義時代, An age of realism

hc 翻譯評論:

章名碰到 Aristocrat  (第2章)和  Patrician (第6章及第12章),王世憲譯都譯成"貴族的"
這要從這兩字的語源及各章當事者所處的時代和家世:現在竟然有 Wiki:difference可查:

 Each chapter title illustrated a paradox: Thomas Jefferson is "The Aristocrat as Democrat"; John C. Calhoun is the "Marx of the Master Class"; and Franklin Roosevelt is "The Patrician as Opportunist."[18]......

