2018年3月25日 星期日

Tikkun/Tikun等;Paladin 、聖騎士、パラディン

The city's guardian

The statue of Roland has stood on the market square in Bremen since 1404. It depicts a real knight who was a paladin of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. According to legend, Bremen will remain free and independent as long as Roland stands watch over the city. Along with the historic town hall, the Roland statue is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site.




聖騎士,即帕拉丁詞彙的最早記錄為英語paladin,約為1592年,出現在塞繆爾·丹尼爾(Samuel Daniel)的詩篇當中。[1]它來自法語paladin,後者來源與拉丁語palatimus[1]其中,查理曼大帝的十二位勇士來自拉丁語palatinus,可能是源於古法語palatin[1] 拉丁語的palatinus指代羅馬帝國位於帕拉蒂尼山上的帝國宮殿;隨著時間的推移,該詞變為指代帝國或朝廷的高級官員。[2]在中世紀歐洲,詞彙palatine也是有類似的演變。[2]



本来パラディンは、古代ローマ皇帝ディオクレティアヌスによって、侍従として、また親衛隊(praetorian guard)と呼ばれる宮殿の護衛兵として作られた。中世初期には意味が変わり、ローマ教皇に仕える高官と、神聖ローマ帝国の「パラティン伯」(count palatine)と呼ばれる高位の貴族になった。同種の称号は19世紀ハンガリーで、また20世紀の初頭のドイツ帝国イギリスでも使われた。


《 醫學恩仇錄:醫學史上的十大爭端》2011,) 特別"參考資料/書目"的 翻譯,有的很好,譬如說,
將Circle 翻譯成"志同道合的人"; cause 翻譯成"志業等等。頁328
可是,有時候可能思慮不夠周到,譬如說,332頁末的刊物  《 Tikkun》,這辭Wikipedia有簡單解釋:大要如下:她採用傳統的語意,其實,這是新聞評論季刊Tikkun (magazine), a quarterly newsmagazine of politics and culture from a progressive Jewish point of view,

Tikkun/Tikun (תיקון‬) is a Hebrew word meaning "Fixing/Rectification". It has several connotations in Judaism: Traditional: Tikkun (book), a book of Torah scroll text, used when learning to chant Torah portions or for correct-fixed scribal calligraphy.

Tikkun - Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tikkun/Tikun (תיקון‬) is a Hebrew word meaning "Fixing/Rectification". It has several connotations in Judaism:
  • Tikkun (book), a book of Torah scroll text, used when learning to chant Torah portions or for correct-fixed scribal calligraphy
  • Tohu and Tikkun: The two stages of Existence described in the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria. The initial Olam-World of Tohu-Chaos collapses, to be replaced by the World of Tikkun-Rectification; Tikkun also describing the esoteric active spiritual work of rectification
  • Tikkun refers to the nightly/early morning synagogue readings on the following Jewish holidays: Seventh Day of PassoverShavuotHoshanna Rabbah, and the Seventh of Adar
  • Tikkun HaKlali refers to ten psalms (16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150) that correspond to ten types of melody, that have the power to heal according to the Chassidic teacher Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
  • Tikkun olam, the popular Jewish concept of "mending the world", terminology derived from Isaac Luria, but applied more widely to ethical activism in contemporary society
  • Tikkun (magazine), a quarterly newsmagazine of politics and culture from a progressive Jewish point of view
