2013年12月18日 星期三

店名的故事 Table 1、Table 2翻譯成桌子1、桌子2

「唉!我怎麼說呢?前陣子一個碩士生跟我說他看英 文論文有困難,我找一個博士生把它翻譯成中文,結果他把論文裡的Table 1、Table 2翻譯成桌子1、桌子2,整篇文章慘不忍睹,我簡直快瘋掉了。叫他去查字典,他回來說字典就是這樣翻的,Google也是這樣翻的。我這樣有回答你的問題 了嗎?」



在羅斯福路 (近新生南路)有家水準不錯的洋服飾店,店名叫volée 。幾年前我請教吳錫德老師,他給的翻譯有點詩情: “想飛”……這讓我覺得法文怎麼這樣美,這可能是唯一的語言有單字表示想飛我欲乘風飛去”……很可惜,可能是2012年下半年,這家就關門了。我去Oxford 諸辭典一找,它的翻譯就很平淡無奇:
volée French-English
flock, flight… 

隔壁*新來一家美髮店,聽說名字要取:”自由空間”……. 。掛市外招牌時,沒有任何漢字,使用很不常見的字體寫: free from。這讓學英文數十年的我,覺得有點費解。
(*之前的店名: 歐亞。愛因斯坦。皮革定律。執事餐廳。舊香居。)

2013年11月17日 星期日


羅曼‧羅蘭《约翰‧克利斯朵夫》Jean-Christophe的傅雷譯本是我初二1967的第一本大河小說” (2013年才知道roman-fleuve (river-novel) 因此書而鑄)


第一巻 曙

ロマン・ローラン Romain Rolland





倫敦地鐵宣佈周末將全天候運營 BBC中文網
倫敦地鐵宣佈將在周末全天候運營,同時計劃關閉多數票務辦公室。這一舉動或將導致通勤者捲入工會與公司之間的「全面戰鬥」。 倫敦地鐵(London Underground) ...

所謂 倫敦「地鐵報」(Metro)的翻譯可能錯誤
Get on your bike and explore off-the-beaten-track Taiwan倫敦「大都

2013年11月5日 星期二



情感教育p.552 ( 今天的功課)

[P.552] He mingled in society, and he conceived attachments to other women. But the constant recollection of his first love made these appear insipid; and besides the vehemence of desire, the bloom of the sensation had vanished. In like manner, his intellectual ambitions had grown weaker. Years passed; and he was forced to support the burthen of a life in which his mind was unoccupied and his heart devoid of energy. 


---- HC
 《譯心雕蟲》是歐陽昱先生的翻譯筆記  台北釀出版社2013.7
The grand secret in the management of convicts is to treat them with kindness, and the same time with firmness.   p.183
不過 這一翻譯也是"見仁見智"的因為KINDNESS 和FIRMNESS 是否就是"恩威"呢? 還有 THE SAME TIME的問題.


2013年11月3日 星期日

2013譯藝獎頒獎聚餐會 (1 熊維強照相)



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2013年11月2日 星期六

受獎文 (梁永安: 2013年譯藝獎 (ii))

受獎文 (梁永安: 2013年譯藝獎 (ii))


我與先生是在一個討論翻譯的網站認識。他喜歡拋問題給大家思考,頭一次拋的問題是這一道:《以撒.柏林傳》有一處提到assassin Aassassin B〔刺客甲、刺客乙〕,但上下文卻完全與暗殺行刺無關,讓人費解。沒有網友回應這問題,他也未再提起,過了好一陣子,他在另一篇貼文中看似不經意地引用了莎士比亞一番話,其中正好有assassin Aassassin B之語,指的明顯是「路人甲、路人乙」。我本未注意,過了好一會兒才赫然悟到他是暗中「揭曉答案」,便在網站上笑稱他的「猜謎遊戲」耐性十足。看見有人明白他的苦心,先生也是大為高興。這是我們過從的開始。先生學的是工業管理(曾在多家外商大公司擔任管理訓練工作),但對人文、藝術、社科無不感興趣,平素泛觀博覽,買書如吃飯,家中藏書無數,又喜歡找朋友雅集,談文論藝,還曾翻譯管理學大師戴明(William Edwards Deming)十餘本著作(從洽版權到銷售一手包辦)。他對我禮遇有加,常在其博誌上為文推介拙譯,有時又會認購拙譯一批,分送親朋或召開讀書會,堪稱今之patron。我與先生對翻譯有許多共通看法,故甚為投契(一個例子是我倆都認為從英譯本迤譯的二手譯本未必會輸於從原文直譯)。先生嘗稱我是個prepared man,足見知我甚深(我以前不知道有這個詞兒,聽到後卻覺得十分貼切,至少比learned man精確十倍)。先生頒我這個獎(和獎金),我知道是因為曉得我窮,找個名目予以支持。我受之惶恐,卻之不恭,只好當成是暫借用,日後定當歸還。


    早在親身認識張兄以前便拜讀過他的大文〈《英漢大詞典》的商榷〉(載於《翻譯學研究集刊》第四輯),驚為天人(評論詞條缺失需要硬橋硬馬工夫,非有深厚蘊積不為功)。若干年後,張兄以本名現身上述提過的翻譯討論網站,一上場也是談《英漢大詞典》(陸谷孫主編)。我起初聯想不起來,但隨即納悶怎麼又有一個人對《英漢》如此熟悉,心血來潮,把〈商榷〉翻出來看,發現作者果然也叫張華。我在網站上點破他的「身分」,後來便通信起來。嗣後,鍾先生弄了個叫Simon University的網站(他也是管理學大師Herbert A. Simon的大粉絲),繼續不時拋些翻譯問題考大家。我和張兄同是常客(另兩位最常參與討論的是學貫中西的鄭小姐和法文了得的繆小姐),時相切磋,不亦樂夫。張兄就像鍾先生一樣,專業不在文科(是位大工程師),卻對文字、詞書與翻譯興趣盎然,孜孜鑽研,又不時抽空下海翻譯,小試牛刀(以文章為主,書本類有兩本)。張兄功底深厚,見解常發人所未發,讓我有茅塞頓開之感。茲舉兩個印象深刻的例子:

an ill-favoured smile讓人不舒服的笑容
我一直覺得英文作者喜歡用「上義詞」(這是邏輯或語意學用語)an ill-favoured smile就是其中之一。

照我所知,opalescent指的是類似毛玻璃的半透明,而不是色彩,「蛋白石」指的也是半透明,和一般寶石的清澈見底不同。所以文中的The air is opalescent 大致是中文的迷濛。



l          《下一個基督王國》:喜歡原因是它對基督教在現今世界的發展有一發人未發和全盤性的鉅視。順道一說,我一向喜歡翻譯與神學有關的好作品,理由很難解釋,但可能與性向有關:我大二便跑去選修過「宗教哲學」,而本科也有「宗教人類學」這門課(被「當」掉兩次)。
l          歷史學家蓋伊的幾部作品(《弗洛依德傳》、《史尼茨勒的世紀》、《啟蒙運動》、《現代主義》):喜歡原因是它們架構宏大,作者學識淵博,許多分析都要言不煩和獨樹一格(例子之一是他在《啟蒙運動》裡對盧梭的分析獨到,不像中文世界談到盧梭時來來去去都是同一套老套)。但蓋伊提的「大命題」當然是常常充滿爭議性。
l          《陌生語言的樂音》:這是一本波赫士式小說,篇幅不大卻包含著高濃度的哲學反思、音樂反思、歷史反思、小說創作反思,甚至涉及物理學(作者本人便是物理學博士),更了不起的是全書以交響曲的「形式」寫成:「初讀之時,書中不斷重複出現的句子、段落、篇章、人物、場景,一再挫折閱讀者的心,一直要等到你耐心地讀下去,你才會發現,這些一再的重複並不全然是無意義的,反而如同巴哈的《郭德堡變奏曲》一般對稱、平衡且協調。」(摘自網路)。書中也有許多精警的佳句,我印象最深刻的是這句:「人在世上了解最少的人就是父母:只有日後回顧,我們才能點點滴滴拼揍起他們的生活。」

譯藝獎頒獎及聚會 (人文促進基金會) 11月2日: 梁永安先生與張華先生

 譯藝獎頒獎及聚會 (人文促進基金會) 11月2日: 梁永安先生與張華先生

活動名稱: 譯藝獎頒獎及聚會 (人文促進基金會)
時間: 2013年11月2日12點 (供午餐) -14點. (會後帶與會者去對面的陳其寬紀念畫廊)
地點 : 臺北新生南路的紫藤廬  地址和地圖如文末

特別來賓: Professor Cheng Hsu. 徐錚教授
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

譯藝獎(II) 百本里程碑:梁永安先生
譯藝獎(I) 愛麗絲夢中奇境二部曲:張華先生
試譯:Aldous Huxley論莎士比亞A Sentence from Shakespeare 等兩篇 (鍾漢清)

…….. (五四一代的作家)因為翻譯而創造了現代漢語。哥德、伯爾、里爾克、策蘭都是翻譯家。德國最偉大的作家都是翻譯家。中國不重視翻譯。…….在德國,我們要求,中國作品被翻譯之後,應該是德國作品。但在中國沒有辦法…….(中國學者到台北開林語堂學術研討會的,都不知道林先生用英文寫作,而他們讀的都是很拙劣的翻譯本。) 如果一個中國不懂得日文、法文、德文、西班牙文的話,他無法了解中國現代作家的深度以及他們文學的成就。……我們應該不停地學習…….(河西著自由的思想海外學人訪談錄作家應該忠誠於他的事業北京三聯2009129-39 (2008.3.25訪問))

  • 紫藤廬茶館

  • Address: No. 1, Lane 16, Section 3, Xīnshēng South Rd, Daan District, Taipei City, 106
    Phone:02 2363 7375
    Hours:Tuesday 11:30 am – 2:00 pm, 5:30–8:00 pm  -  See all
  • 2013譯藝獎頒獎聚餐會 (2 繆女士照相)

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    2013年10月16日 星期三


    Zettel may be
    a German term for "piece of paper" and hence "(written) collection of maxims", "concise remarks", sometimes translated as epitome

    維根斯坦,Zettel, 456-7

    456「一些哲學家(或你要叫他們什麼)為或可稱之為「失去問題」(Problemverlust, loss of problem) 所苦。對他們而言,凡事看來都十分簡單,再也不存在深沈的問題了,這個世界變得廣平而無深度,作品變得極其膚淺和瑣碎。羅素和H. G. Wells就有這毛病。

    457... quia plus loquitur inquisitio quam inventio... (Augustinus) (…….因為尋覓時遠比發現的更豐富……..(. . . because the search says more than the discovery ...)


    「一些哲學家(或者不管你要叫他們什麼)罹患了或許可稱之為「失去問題」(Problemverlust) 的症狀。然後每件事情都對他們看來十分簡單,再也不存在任何深沈的問題,這個世界變得廣闊、平坦和失去所有深度,而他們的作品變得無法估量的膚淺和瑣碎... quia plus loquitur inquisitio quam inventio... (Augustinus)」 維根斯坦,Zettel, 456-7


    維根斯坦在這段話所謂「失去問題」的「一些哲學家」,他點名了羅素和《時間旅行》的作者H. G. Wells。維根斯坦老兄訂的標準真的太高了。

    2013年9月19日 星期四


    作為世界文學的誕生歷程:魯迅傳記散論 (瑞士)馮鐵《在拿波里的胡同裡》2011
    第3頁對Grossschriftsteller的譯註"諷刺地表示有影響有社會地位的而不一定美學水準很高的作家" 來形容魯迅恰當嗎? 
    第18頁"Chine profonde" 是"小而全極具有中國特色的城鎮"嗎?

    2013年9月18日 星期三

    No Freedom of Silence「沒有不說話的自由」

    王鼎鈞先生的回憶錄《文學江湖》(臺北:爾雃 2009 )有2章與胡適相關


     下面這篇No Freedom of Silence,外國通訊社發出的電報說胡思潮杜「沒有緘默的自由」。胡適之先生在那種鬥爭的氣氛下,還告訴國內記者它應該翻譯成「沒有不說話的自由」。頁212  胡適: No Freedom of Silence「沒有不說話的自由」,王鼎鈞,胡佳

    2013年9月9日 星期一

    WSJ: How Many Times Can a Tale Be Told? 名著的翻譯版本多多益善假如各版都有特色的話. 而不是抄的


    How Many Times Can a Tale Be Told?

    Each Translation of a Classic Has New Way With Words

    Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" famously starts "All happy families are alike." But what readers may want to know is how alike are different translations of such foreign classics?
    There are half-a-dozen English-language translations of the 1878 Russian novel available for sale online, including the 2001 version produced by celebrated translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. An endorsement by Oprah Winfrey turned that edition into a best-seller, with more than 1.3 million copies in print to date.
    Yet next year, two new translations of the massive novel will hit the shelves. "Why two more now, and in the same year? I have no idea," says Mr. Pevear in an email.
    It isn't only Tolstoy's works that get such treatment. For example, shoppers can choose from half-a-dozen versions of "The Decameron," Giovanni Boccaccio's sometimes bawdy 14th-century tale. This month, however, W.W. Norton & Co. will publish a new translation by Wayne A. Rebhorn priced at $40. New versions of "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are also coming this fall.
    [image]Oxford University Press
    A new translation of 'The Iliad' is coming this fall.
    What possesses a publisher to produce a new version of a classic? The long answer is that costs are low—no big author advances are needed—and there is always a chance that a new version will become a hit in colleges, providing an annuity revenue stream.
    And the short answer, at least in some cases, is that some translators are out to make names for themselves.
    "I thought I could do better," says Mr. Rebhorn, an English professor at the University of Texas at Austin who started work on "The Decameron" in 2006 after concluding that the translations he was teaching in his classroom fell short of the mark.
    As an example, he cites a 1977 version, published by Norton, that includes a scene where a young man is described as being "naked from the waist down." Mr. Rebhorn says Boccaccio actually wrote the man was "naked from the waist up."
    The distinction is critical to the meaning of the scene, a central point of which is a red birthmark on the man's chest, says Mr. Rebhorn.
    One of the translators of the 1977 version, Peter Bondanella, a distinguished professor emeritus of comparative literature, film studies and Italian at Indiana University, appeared a tad put out when told of Mr. Rebhorn's critique.
    "I would be happy to address this question if you allow me to go over Wayne's edition and find some mistakes that he can address," he said via email.
    In a follow-up note, Mr. Bondanella said that mistakes are inevitable in translations of such long, complex works. "Each new translation profits from those that went before," he wrote. "I am sure that Wayne took a look at our version, especially since we tried to take a nonarchaic, non-British approach to Boccaccio's great and very clear vernacular Italian."
    [image]Atria Books
    A new translation of 'The Odyssey' is coming this fall.
    Mr. Bondanella said he would seek to correct the error that Mr. Rebhorn spotted in future editions.
    But such concerns provide impetus for some translators, such as Rosamund Bartlett, who is translating one of the coming new versions of "Anna Karenina," for Oxford University Press. (Another, translated by Marian Schwartz, will be published by Yale University Press.) Ms. Bartlett describes herself as a "perfectionist," one reason her translation has taken seven years, three years longer than Tolstoy took to write the book in the first place. She also wrote a well-received biography of Tolstoy during that period.
    Her exactitude comes through in her focus on the correct translation of a word used to describe footwear in a hunting scene, featuring an aristocrat dressed in shabby clothing and wearing a summer peasant shoe made from a simple piece of leather.
    The late translator Constance Garnett, whose published translation first appeared in 1901, described the footwear as "spats," which Ms. Bartlett says is "an example of where she was off the mark."
    Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, in their best-selling version, described the footwear as "brogues," which Ms. Bartlett believes conjures up an image of "smart shoes with perforations." She decided to describe the shoes as "light peasant moccasins."
    Yet even the choice of "moccasin" contains within it the seeds of misunderstanding, she notes, since there are many relatively fancy moccasins available for sale today. "It's a loaded word, particularly in the U.S.," says Ms. Bartlett.
    "Most disagreements over words ignore the context, which is all important," responds Mr. Pevear in an email. He says Tolstoy's original word for the shoes, "porshni," "is obsolete in Russian," describing "primitive peasant shoes made from raw leather." He says that is "rather close to the first meaning of brogues in the Oxford English Dictionary: 'rough shoes of untanned hide.' "
    [image]W.W. Norton & Co.
    A new 'Decameron' is coming this month.
    As Ms Bartlett's seven-year effort suggests, translating is a labor of love for many. Certainly, no one goes into the field to get rich. Ms. Bartlett's entire advance for the book was £4,500, or about $7,000. Although she is also entitled to author royalties, she expects it "will be a long time before I get those."
    Judith Luna, a senior commissioning editor at Oxford University Press, said one reason Oxford is bringing out a new edition is that "we want to have a 21st-century translation with a critically up-to-date introduction and notes."
    For some, the act of translation confers its own rewards. This November, Robert Weil, publishing director of Norton's Liveright Publishing imprint, is publishing two of Tolstoy's works translated by Peter Carson in one volume, "The Death of Ivan Ilyich & Confession." The work combines a piece of fiction and Tolstoy's spiritual memoir. Mr. Carson completed his translation only a few days before dying.
    "He consciously chose to spend the last year of his life translating this book," says Mr. Weil.
    Can there be too many translations of a single work? Apparently not, because certain classic titles strike some publishers as simply irresistible. These include Murasaki Shikibu's 11th-century novel "The Tale of Genji," which has been published by Penguin Classics and others.
    Yet Jill Schoolman, publisher of Brooklyn-based Archipelago Books, says she is mulling a new one.
    "There's always room for another excellent translation," she says.
    Write to Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg at jeffrey.trachtenberg@wsj.com