2024年1月30日 星期二

The Secret of Thomas Mann’s Translator

The Secret of Thomas Mann’s Translator

A new novel about Thomas Mann’s longstanding American translator portrays a woman ahead of her time and, despite her shortcomings, important to leading Mann to a Nobel Prize.


一部關於托馬斯·曼(Thomas Mann)長期擔任美國翻譯的新小說描繪了一位領先於時代的女性,儘管她有缺點,但對帶領曼獲得諾貝爾獎至關重要。

她採訪了家人,並查閱了約翰·C·瑟爾沃爾(John C. Thirlwall)寫的《用另一種語言》一書,講述了曼恩和洛波特之間的長期關係,其中包括她的兩篇關於翻譯的文章。 儘管洛·波特以自嘲的方式將翻譯稱為“這門小藝術”,但她完全不這麼認為。 她告訴訪談者,她不僅從一本字典開始,而是「一整套參考書架」(還有《浮士德博士》中的留聲機,用於重複播放貝多芬第 32 號鋼琴奏鳴曲、作品 111)。

She described days spent agonizing over her ability to do justice to Mann’s complex, nuanced prose, then, as she put it in her preface to “Buddenbrooks,” “transferring the spirit first and the letter so far as it might be.”

For Salas, “Mrs. Lowe-Porter” remained its own act of translation. In a letter to Time magazine in 1944, Mann was on his most decorous behavior as he expressed “the good fortune of finding a translator of the devotion and linguistic talent of Mrs. Helen Lowe-Porter.”

Salas wanted her novel to leave the two under warmer circumstances.

“Without Mrs. Lowe,” says Mann as he toasts his translator at one of their last dinner parties together in Princeton, “I am an unknown German only. To Helen Lowe-Porter!”

2024年1月29日 星期一

午後の曳航, romanized: Gogo no eiko, 三島由紀夫說漢字之重要;美;標題/雙關語難譯。Furi-kana/Furigana (振り仮名, yomigana (読み仮名) and rubi (ルビ) "yatsuhashi"

  午後の曳航, romanized: Gogo no eiko, 三島由紀夫說漢字之重要;美;標題/雙關語難譯。Furi-kana/Furigana (振り仮名, yomigana (読み仮名) and rubi (ルビ)   "yatsuhashi"

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_Sailor_Who_F...

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (Japanese: 午後の曳航, romanized: Gogo no eiko, lit. 'Afternoon tow') is a novel written by Yukio Mishima ...

"The Japanese title couldn't be translated well," said the novelist三島由紀夫, ..."In Japanese the book is called 'Gogo No Eiko,' which literally means 'Afternoon's Tow,' referring to a tugboat taking a ship through a harbor. 'Eiko' is a play on words: It means either 'tow' or 'glory.'

"Romaji is awful," Mr. Mishima said flatly. "The visual effect of a Chinese character is very important." He slashed out the rounded, multi-stemmed character for "rose," and looked at it admiringly. "See how the rose appears physically in the shape of the Kanji," he said. "A writer loves to give such an effect to his readers."

 "but I don't mind small mistakes." He was amused, not angry, when the translator of an earlier novel rendered the word "yatsuhashi" as "eighth bridge,

Yatsuhashi baked cinnamon mochi - Japan Centre

One of the best known 'meibutsu', or famous regional products of Kyoto, these baked treats are made by rolling cinnamon-infused mochi rice dough and baking to a ...

八橋" which is a perfectly correct alternate reading of the characters that the author intended to mean a kind of cake sold in Kyoto. "The translator really had to struggle with that sentence to have it make sense with a bridge in it," he said, chuckling.

September19, 1965 NYT

How to Write in Japanese


Mr. Trumbull heads The Times Tokyo bureau.

Furi-kana。我們也使用 Hira-gana,它總是用於外來語。”

Furigana (振り仮名Japanese pronunciation: [ɸɯɾigaꜜna] or [ɸɯɾigana]) is a Japanese reading aid consisting of smaller kana (syllabic characters) printed either above or next to kanji (logographic characters) or other characters to indicate their pronunciation. It is one type of ruby text. Furigana is also known as yomigana (読み仮名) and rubi (ルビ[ɾɯꜜbi]) in Japanese. In modern Japanese, it is usually used to gloss rare kanji, to clarify rare, nonstandard or ambiguous kanji readings, or in children's or learners' materials. Before the post-World War II script reforms, it was more widespread.[1]

2024年1月20日 星期六


 ***  林水福巨作源氏物語 新譯










2024年1月19日 星期五

The Universe




John Hollander寫過一首有名的單行詩

A One-line Poem (標題)

The universe 




2024年1月13日 星期六

Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查)到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查)到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

自我的完全 潛能的發揮 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查)到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality." ~ Erich Fromm

Book: https://amzn.to/4aOEfMc

Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics by Erich Fromm

Man for Himself 的另外一種說法,或許更“專業”

 思考google 翻譯的末句為何錯誤

我的改譯:「人不是為了效果而工作,也不是想在藝術家行業中立足。他經由研究、學習、工作和思考,將自己發展成為一個聰明、敏感的人、並有做為人的意識:並根據不斷增長的智慧、敏感性和人的意識等資源來創造音樂。」 -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967


"One doesn't work for effects, and one doesn't set up in the artist business. One studies and learns and works and thinks to develop oneself as an intelligent, sensitive, and aware human being: and out of the always-increasing resources of intelligence, sensitivity, and awareness, the human being makes music."

 -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967

[Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt]

 思考google 翻譯的末句為何錯誤

我的改譯:「人不是為了效果而工作,也不是想在藝術家行業中立足。他經由研究、學習、工作和思考,將自己發展成為一個聰明、敏感的人、並有做為人的意識:並根據不斷增長的智慧、敏感性和人的意識等資源來創造音樂。」 -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967


"One doesn't work for effects, and one doesn't set up in the artist business. One studies and learns and works and thinks to develop oneself as an intelligent, sensitive, and aware human being: and out of the always-increasing resources of intelligence, sensitivity, and awareness, the human being makes music."  -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967

2024年1月10日 星期三

untranslatability. 《戰爭與和平》英譯


 感動 (101):新港素園 非親屬關係的 愛的一家人。阿公李遠和浪花兄弟:都是基因惹的禍;紙風車劇團去年台中清水演出 人山人海 ;  曹永洋師生贈(2024.1.9):《戰爭與和平》(戰爭與群眾)  、《山色如此》(李美慧)、《紅土印象》、《齊白石》(何懷碩畫)、《芥川龍之介的世界》...... 《荒野之狼》 (赫塞著 施智璋譯-贈我2本書,詳後天文《維根斯坦》《風華再起  大稻埕百年》)志文出版社新潮文庫108黃哲斌推薦選情   衛報社論台灣選舉 FT 摘要三點



Culture and Lifestyle

2024年1月8日 星期一

轉貼:【我的二〇二三小回顧】馬世芳 ChatGPT等


去年腦中重播最多次的「新歌」也是拜AI之賜終於問世的The Beatles「最後一首歌」Now and Then:AI把約翰藍儂七〇年代在家彈唱、充滿雜訊噪聲的錄音分離出乾淨的主唱聲軌,遂能讓這首另三位團員在九〇年代曾經嘗試重錄、卻恪於母帶音質而不得不半途而廢的歌,終於得以在二〇二三年完成,距The Beatles解散,已經五十三年。我沒辦法用客觀的耳朵聽這首歌,它掀起的情緒太強大,反覆聽了幾十遍,感覺仍像一場夢。
這一年只看了十幾場演唱會(相較於疫情前平均的三四十場),感動卻還是很多很多。年初黃耀明在Legacy的「邊走邊唱」演唱會非常動人,不愧香港曾經的輝煌與頹靡最最美麗不可方物的見證。夏天兩場大型演出:安溥在北流的「時寐」演唱會和陳奕迅的「Fear and Dreams」小巨蛋演唱會,也都展現了足以涵攝整個大時代的氣場。沈文程出道以來首次大規模個人巡演,讓我對從前相對陌生的音樂場景好好補了一回課。年底MC HOTDOG的小巨蛋演出,則讓我溫習、見證了台灣嘻哈這一路不斷茁壯的強悍能量。放眼整個中文世界,也只有台灣能讓你在一年之中看到所有這些音樂人掏心掏肺、完全不設限的演出,我很珍惜。
最後想提一下二〇二三影響至關重大的me too風暴。舉報、控訴的幾波高潮之後,正式進入法律程序的事件仍屬少數(且不乏加害者控告被害者),頗有一些加害者至今無一語反省,且捱一陣子風頭過去,照樣四處走跳,若無事然。他們寧願頂著一身臭名,也不願認錯道歉。我的工作圈和這種人偶有交集,我只能不看、不聽、不寫、不訪,凡他們現身的場合,我盡量不出席,消極抵制。
Me too相關討論有一句話,讓我這個直男大大受教:「性騷擾、性暴力往往與性欲無關,而是權力與控制的展現。」我相信從此以後,大家對這類事情只會愈來愈不願姑息、容忍。也願我們的社會能朝文明進步的方向挪動,哪怕只是一點點。

2024年1月2日 星期二

The flaps of her cap fell like the fillets of a sphinx. 的翻譯..... Sentimental Education


 感動 (91 ):賀龍年(文化、美術)   "天龍"與本土本地創新。龍 vs sphinx: 翻譯之難,以情感教育Sentimental Education中一短句/語The flaps of her cap fell like the fillets of a sphinx. 為例。黃仁勳(Jensen Huang 輝達CEO) 。.   黎智英2日出庭續審 3項指控喊無罪。訃 OBI. 挽中國財新傳媒。張誌家

龍 vs  sphinx

 The flaps of her cap fell like the fillets of a sphinx. turpentine
Project Gutenberg's Sentimental Education Vol 1, by Gustave Flaubert



Turpentine is a fluid obtained by the distillation of resin harvested from living trees, mainly pines. Principally used as a specialized solvent, it is also a source of material for organic syntheses. Wikipedia

 The flaps of her cap fell like the of a sphinx

Google 莫名其妙:她帽子的襟翼像獅身人面像的魚片一樣掉落


fillet was originally worn in classical antiquity, especially in cultures of the Mediterranean, Levant and Persia, including Hellenic culture. At that time, a fillet was a very narrow band of cloth, leather or some form of garland, frequently worn by athletes. It was also worn as a sign of royalty and became symbolized in later ages as a metallic ring which was a stylized band of cloth. Greeks called it Diadema (διάδημα) and although most Roman Emperors didn't wear it, after Caesar refused it when offered him by Antonius, except in a few cases, Constantine the Great adopted the Greek emblem of royalty. Before the diadem was worn by the Roman emperors as a symbol of sovereignty, it was used as a head-dress by Roman women.[1]

Later, in medieval times, a fillet was a type of headband worn by unmarried women, in certain monk hoods, usually with a wimple or barbette.[2] This is indicated in the sign language of said monks (who took oaths of silence), wherein a sweeping motion across the brow, in the shape of a fillet, indicated an unmarried woman.[2]


