2018年4月26日 星期四

慘不忍睹:Oligopolistic, hubristic and ruthless to its core,

Oligopolistic, hubristic and ruthless to its core, Silicon Valley is no beacon of moral leadership, argues our Schumpeter columnist

From the archive

寡頭壟斷, 傲慢和無情到它的核心, 矽谷不是道德領導的燈塔, 爭論我們的熊熊專欄作家.

2018年4月20日 星期五

John Keats to BENJAMIN BAILEY, November 22, 1817 之"一句"。 清明

I think Jane or Marianne has a better opinion of me than I deserve: for, really and truly, I do not think my Brother’s illness connected with mine—you know more of the real Cause than they do; nor have I any chance of being rack’d as you have been. You perhaps at one time thought there was such a thing as worldly happiness to be arrived at, at certain periods of time marked out,—you have of necessity from your disposition been thus led away—I scarcely remember counting upon any Happiness—I look not for it if it be not in the present hour,—nothing startles me beyond the moment. The Setting Sun will always set me to rights, or if a Sparrow come before my Window, I take part in its existence and pick about the gravel. The first thing that strikes me on hearing a Misfortune having befallen another is this—“Well, it cannot be helped: he will have the pleasure of trying the resources of his Spirit”—and I beg now, my dear Bailey, that hereafter should you observe anything cold in me not to put it to the account of heartlessness, but abstraction—for I assure you I sometimes feel not the influence of a passion or affection during a whole Week—and so long this sometimes continues, I begin to suspect myself, and the genuineness of my feelings at other times—thinking them a few barren Tragedy Tears.


[Burford Bridge, November 22, 1817.]

The Project Gutenberg eBook, Letters of John Keats to His Family and Friends, by John Keats, Edited by Sidney Colvin


翻譯一:如果一只燕子剛好來到我的窗前,我會融入它的存在,拾掇砂礫。 (《想像的世界》頁29)

翻譯二 :落日使我滿心舒暢--要是有一只麻雀來到我窗前,我會分享它的生存,和它一道在地裡啄食。 (傅修延譯《濟慈書信集》頁53)


Qingming Festival/Clear Brightness Festival

62. 清明 [qing1ming2](1) n., a spring festival corresponding to Easter, on April 5th or 6th--a festival for visiting family graveyards; (2) adj., (of patient's mind) clear: 神志清明(3) adj., peaceful (times).

2018年4月15日 星期日

the bombardment of Rheims Cathedral: Seed Cathedral 如何翻譯;(2) 原文:”Rodin, Les Mains Du Genie” 、Reims Cathedral

各位應該注意到它缺那一年的7月29日 (日期也沒標)
Britain's Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer at St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
 Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married at StPaul's Cathedral in London ... As Olympics open, Britain rocks ... being driven to StPaul's Cathedral for her marriage to Prince Charles in London on July 29, 1981.

Reims Cathedral

以上的 Cathedral,都指宗教,譯名容易統一。問題是,其他用法呢, 譬如說,


Thomas Heatherwick: Building the Seed Cathedral | TED Talk | TED.com


Architect Thomas Heatherwick shows five recent projects featuring ingenious bio-inspired designs. ... And one ...

日本俗稱CATHEDRAL 為大聖堂,我們稱為大教堂,

天主教:cathedral :主教座堂:教區中的首要聖堂,堂內置有主教的(寶座)座位; cathedra 拉丁文意即座位,故稱主教座堂。
Wikipedia:主教座堂(法語:cathédrale拉丁語cathedra希臘語καθέδρα kathedra),或稱座堂,是指在主教制基督教會正教會天主教聖公宗,以及信義宗部份團體等)中,設有主教座位教堂[1],為教區主教的正式駐地,因而被視為教區的中心。

又問,是否有將Cathedral 翻譯成"聖殿"的?
我想,Temple 或稱為聖殿: 聖殿山The Temple Mount , "the Noble Sanctuary"

Seed Cathedral 可能還沒有到"聖"級。或許可採音譯。

原文:”Rodin, Les Mains Du Genie” 、Reims Cathedral

"坐落在法國首都巴黎東部一百多公里的城市漢斯 (Reims)"

"漢斯法語:Reims英語發音:/ˈrmz/法語:[ʁɛ̃s] 聆聽,古老的拼法為Rheims),是位於法國東北部香檳-阿登大區馬恩省的城市。"


2010.10.6 ”Rodin, Les Mains Du Genie” 這本書雖然譯自法文,  不過錯誤不少 (我用英文本"校"一下),
譬如說, Rodin 出版 法國大教堂之後 ,Reims Cathedral 被炸、 著火 。Rodin 感到很喪氣。時報文化版:翻譯成 "Reims地方有人批評該書,羅丹很火大。" (大意)
Rilke 的家書,也翻譯得走調。

這種情況幾年前我以哈佛大學出版社的版本,校一本號稱直接翻自德文的海德格爾傳 (北京:商務)  這書譯者,現在是北大哲學系的高官,  改版改書名之後,說:  "幾乎一字不易" 。其實錯誤真的百出, 詳以往的Simon University blog專文。)

同樣, 錦繡出版社以前請中國譯意大利文的藝術家, 我讀 Paul Klee 卷, 也是錯誤百出。

重要的不是"懂得"法文、 德文 、意大利文,


"But no words fill the abyss of it — nor touch it, nor relieve one's heart nor light by a spark the blackness; the ache of one's howl and the anguish of one's execration aren't mitigated by a shade, even as one brands it as the most hideous crime ever perpetrated against the mind of man."
--Henry James' on the bombardment of Rheims Cathedral from "Rheims"

The bombing of the cathedral at Reims

Taken from the French side, this picture shows the violence of fighting in Champagne. Bloodied bodies lie on the ground while a nurse comforts an injured soldier, giving him a drink. The soldiers on horseback point to Reims Cathedral, on fire in the background. This is World War One in its infancy: the French uniforms have red trousers, which were replaced with ‘horizon blue’ (blue-grey) in 1915. It also shows the role of horses at a time before the wide use of engines.

Reims Cathedral, a major Gothic masterpiece where the kings of France were consecrated, was severely damaged in 1914. The city and its cathedral were bombed on 4 September 1914, shortly before the arrival of German troops. On 13 September the French recaptured the city and German bombing resumed. On 19 September, a shell fell on the cathedral’s north tower. A fire broke out and engulfed the entire structure, while the bombing continued. Restoration work was started in 1919 and the cathedral reopened in 1938. Work inside has continued ever since.