2017年12月29日 星期五

William Morris Archive - Translations

William Morris Archive - Translations

"William Morris and Saga-Translation: 'The Story of Magnus the Son of Erling'," The Vikings, ed. R. T. Farrell, London: Phillimore, 1982.[pdf] · Durrenberger, Paul and Dorothy Durrenberger. The Saga of Gunnlaugur Snake's Tongue, with an Essay on the Structure and Translation of the Poems. London: Associated University Presses, 1992. Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76.

如果語言有活化石,冰島語就是其中一塊。世上會說冰島語的人不多,大概就只有在冰島上生活的 30 多萬人口。可是,隨着冰島經濟發展,冰島語卻有「難言之隱」。初步研究反映剛開始學說話的孩童愈來愈少機會接觸冰島語�...
