2011年1月11日 星期二

"general frame"非一般 FRAME

Lawrence Stone 著《英國十六至十八世紀的家庭‧性與婚姻》

Lawrence Stone 著《英國十六至十八世紀的家庭‧性與婚姻》,刁筱華譯台北:麥田出版社,2000
譬如說英國動物保護思想早俄國約300年:木木( 屠格涅夫/ 巴金译) 木木( Mumu)是文學中最著名的一條狗

個別的翻譯問題再談: 可能不影響讀者的了解
譬如說翻譯者失查"general frame"

Pope's "Essay on Man."

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]
Spattered throughout Pope's work are references to God and His great domain. .... it is part of the "general frame" that all of nature, including ourselves, are but "parts of .... Thus states were form'd; the name of king unknown, ... that nature "link'd the gen'ral frame and bade self-love and social be the same. ...
