2009年7月8日 星期三

Why weather forecasts can affect your prosperity

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Undercover economist: Why weather forecasts can affect your prosperity

By Tim Harford 2009-07-09

Spare a thought for the weather forecasters. Taken for granted when they get it right, they are invariably whipping boys when they get things wrong – despite a far better forecasting record than we economists have. They probably have more to contribute to the economy, too.

A recent case in point: Bournemouth's woes during the bank holiday at the end of May. The Met Office predicted storms, but the beach resort in fact enjoyed the sunniest day of the year. Bournemouth's tourist office reckons the town missed out on at least 25,000 visitors and more than £1m of revenue as a result. Subtler losses and gains were registered by the would-be tourists, and the lucky ones who enjoyed both a sunny day and a quieter beach.

Tourists have always been vulnerable to the weather, but they may now be more vulnerable to weather forecasters. The internet has made it easy to check the forecast and easy, too, to make late bookings for short breaks – which are self-evidently more responsive to the weather.

Galvanised by Bournemouth's woes, I did some research into the economics of weather forecasting for a short BBC documentary. What surprised me was the sheer range of industries that could save money if given a reliable forecast.

Electricity generators need temperature forecasts to gauge the demand for power, and electricity generation itself is weather-sensitive. It's not just a case of windmills and solar panels: gas-fired power stations are more efficient at lower temperatures. Without a good forecast, both energy and money will be wasted.

Local governments are responsible for salting and gritting roads as they freeze. It's a costly process, best avoided if the roads are not, in fact, going to freeze at all. Supermarkets consult detailed weather forecasts and adjust the local product mix accordingly. An extra day's reliable warning of the local weather is a godsend.

The vulnerability to bad weather is even higher in developing countries, sometimes with tragic consequences. As I reported in a column last year, the economists Emily Oster and Ted Miguel have investigated the link between bad weather and “witch” killings. Miguel found that modern-day witch-killings in Tanzania are correlated with droughts and floods. Oster, building on research by historian Wolfgang Behringer, found a connection between cold decades and witch-trials in 16th- and 17th-century Europe.

MIT economist Michael Greenstone has studied the impact of local temperature surges on deaths in both India and the US. He calculates that a year with one extra “heatwave” day – temperatures above 32°C instead of 12°C-15°C – would raise the annual death rate by eight per million in the US. In India, the temperature vulnerability is more than five times higher, notably in rural areas where agriculture suffers and wages drop.

Weather forecasting cannot prevent heatwaves, but it can help in other ways. Accurate forecasts can allow farmers to sow seeds without fear that they will be washed or blown away. A study from the mid-1990s – admittedly, conducted by the World Meteorological Organization – concluded that every dollar invested in weather forecasting services would save $10 in economic losses.

The World Bank broadly agrees, and is supporting Russian efforts to reinvigorate forecasting systems that have been deteriorating since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The World Bank's researchers reckon that the benefits of such efforts outweigh the costs by five to one. If those numbers stack up, that suggests an unlikely development tactic for poor countries: hire more weather forecasters.

作者:英國《金融時報》專欄作家提姆•哈福德(Tim Harford) 2009-07-09


最 近的一個例證,就是5月底銀行假日期間波恩茅斯(Bournemouth)出現的問題。英國氣象局(Met Office)預計,該海濱勝地在假日期間將會出現暴風雨天氣,但實際上,那是一年中陽光最燦爛的一天。波恩茅斯旅遊局估計,該城至少錯失了2.5萬名遊 客和逾100萬英鎊的收入。那些本打算前往波恩茅斯的遊客和(去了的)幸運遊客,則分擔了說不清楚的損失和收益——那些幸運的遊客既享受了陽光燦爛的一 天,也享受了更為安靜的海濱。





發 展中國家甚至更容易受到惡劣天氣的影響,有時還會造成悲劇性的後果。正如去年我在專欄中寫道的那樣,經濟學家艾米麗•奧斯特(Emily Oster)和泰德•米格爾(Ted Miguel)調查了惡劣天氣和“女巫”被殺之間的關聯。米格爾發現,當代坦桑尼亞殺害女巫案例與乾旱和洪水有關。在歷史學家沃爾夫岡•貝林格 (Wolfgang Behringer)研究的基礎上,奧斯特發現,在16世紀和17世紀的歐洲,幾十年的寒冷天氣與審判女巫之間存在關聯。

麻 省理工學院(MIT)經濟學家邁克爾•格林斯通(Michael Greenstone)對印度和美國當地氣溫飆升對死亡率的影響進行了研究。他估計,如果一年額外多一天“高溫天氣”——氣溫高於32攝氏度,而不是12 至15攝氏度——美國每百萬人每年的死亡率就會增加8人。在印度,高溫造成的死亡率是美國的5倍多,特別是在農作物歉收、薪資下降的農村地區。


世界銀行(World Bank)對此基本表示贊同,並支持俄羅斯重建自蘇聯解體以來日益衰落的天氣預報系統。



Google( machine translation)






易受惡劣天氣甚至更高在發展中國家,有時造成的悲慘後果。正如我在一列去年,經濟學家劉慧卿奧斯特和Ted米格爾調查之間的聯繫,惡劣天氣和“女 巫”殺人。米格爾發現,當今的政治迫害殺戮在坦桑尼亞是與旱災和水災。奧斯特的基礎上,研究的歷史學家沃爾夫岡林格,找到了幾十年冷戰的聯繫和巫婆,審判 在16和17世紀的歐洲。

麻省理工學院經濟學家Michael綠研究的影響,當地氣溫上升的死亡在印度和美國。他的計算,一年一個額外的“熱浪”天-溫度超過32 ℃而不是12 °的C - 15 ℃ -將提高每年的死亡率是每100萬個在美國。在印度,溫度漏洞超過5倍,特別是在農村地區,農業遭受和工資下降。



