迪拜政府宣布,将不会担保国有控股公司迪拜世界(Dubai World)的债务,并称,债权人如果以为会得到主权资金支持就错了。迪拜世界正在590亿美元债务的重压下苦苦挣扎。
迪拜這可能是廣東話嗎? Du·bayy or Du·bai (dū-bī')
要求延期償債至少6個月的杜拜國營事業「杜拜世界」發表聲明說,將對集團內部進行部份重整,包括房地產開發公司棕櫚樹 ( Nakheel)在內。重整計畫涵蓋企業的總債務約為260億美元,其中約60億美元為棕櫚樹的伊斯蘭債券。
2009年11月24日 星期二
Daily Mirror Beauty Book
Amazon.com: The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body ...
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]From the hair down to the feet, Morris contrasts woman's anatomy to man's, ... 5.0 out of 5 stars The Naked Woman review. For me as a Photography, ...這本書可以學許多英文單字 譬如說
WORD HISTORY In classical legend the Amazons were a tribe of warrior women. Their name is supposedly derived from Greek a-mazos, "without a breast," because according to the legend they cut off their right breasts so as to be better able to shoot with a bow and arrow.
The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body
由 Desmond Morris 著作 - 2007 - 324 頁
翻譯者也有許多疏忽 譬如說 不知道The Daily Mirror is a British tabloid newspaper founded in 1903.
Daily Mirror Beauty Book
2009年11月19日 星期四
"Caius"/ Keys
這"Caius"/ Keys都 非凱斯
Gonville and Caius College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England. The college is often referred to simply as "Caius" (pronounced /ˈkiːz/), after its second founder, John Keys, who fashionably latinised the spelling of his name after studying in Italy.
Frequency: (5266)
(number of times this surname appears in a sample database of 88.7 million names, representing one third of the 1997 US population)
這"Caius"/ Keys都 非凱斯
Gonville and Caius College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England. The college is often referred to simply as "Caius" (pronounced /ˈkiːz/), after its second founder, John Keys, who fashionably latinised the spelling of his name after studying in Italy.
Frequency: (5266)
(number of times this surname appears in a sample database of 88.7 million names, representing one third of the 1997 US population)
English and Irish: variant spelling of Keyes.
See the Key to the Dictionary or consult the General Introduction for further expl2009年11月16日 星期一
2009年11月15日 星期日
2009年11月5日 星期四
Said ㄧ書(the World,the Text,and the Critic)
L: ...Said書最近立緒和大陸都推出了譯本。
HC: 大陸的注解很不錯 台灣在諸如德希達的 "當下""現在"等的德文翻譯錯誤 (全沒注)
HC: 大陸的注解很不錯 台灣在諸如德希達的 "當下""現在"等的德文翻譯錯誤 (全沒注)
世界.文本.批评家(the World,the Text,and the Critic)
2009年11月4日 星期三
"il me tarde" motto
《中世紀之秋》 (The Autumn of the Middle Ages) 一書主在論述十五世紀法蘭西和尼 ...
art and life
"il me tarde" 中國美術學院版本 "承載著"/ 廣西師範本 "緩慢行"--據據第二版本
日本據第一版本 "迫不及待...."
Français: Il me tarde de....
Anglais: I can't wait to...
《中世紀之秋》 (The Autumn of the Middle Ages) 一書主在論述十五世紀法蘭西和尼 ...
art and life
"il me tarde" 中國美術學院版本 "承載著"/ 廣西師範本 "緩慢行"--據據第二版本
日本據第一版本 "迫不及待...."
Français: Il me tarde de....
Anglais: I can't wait to...
2009年11月3日 星期二
SIMON UNIVERSITY 中多次談到 簡明牛津音樂辭典支翻譯問題
今天獨到 loco 其中 the expression al loco ...
這 expression 竟然是"表情用語"
今天獨到 loco 其中 the expression al loco ...
這 expression 竟然是"表情用語"
文章 (Atom)