For a world in desperate need of growth, this is the wrong direction. Europe will never thrive until it frees up its markets. America will throttle its recovery unless it avoids overregulation. China will not sustain its success unless it starts to liberalise. This is a crucial time to hang on to Margaret Thatcher's central perception: that for countries to flourish, people need to push back against the advance of the state. What the world needs now is more Thatcherism, not less.
From the print edition: Leaders
Freedom fighterMargaret ThatcherBy The Economist
From The Economist
Published: April 15, 2013
由於金融危機,鐘擺已逐漸搖離柴契爾支持的原則。在多數富有國家,政府在經濟中的佔比大增,規範也困住了私人部門。對於一個亟需成長的世界來說,這是個錯誤的方向。此時此刻,守住柴契爾夫人的核心看法極為重要:人民必須推阻步步進逼的政府,國家才能繁榮。(黃維德譯 天下文化
"看法"或許可考慮:"見地" (見解、主張).
the state 翻譯為"政府"沒錯. 它在此指"事務由國家搶去做"