舉嚴復(1854-1921)先生在On Liberty (群己權界論) 凡例說: 用"自繇"而不用"自由"...
Tributes are being paid at home and abroad to Baroness Thatcher after her death at the age of 87.
David Cameron said she had been a "great Briton" while US President Barack Obama called her a "great champion of freedom and liberty". 了解Obama 總統在說什麼:
David Cameron said she had been a "great Briton" while US President Barack Obama called her a "great champion of freedom and liberty". 了解Obama 總統在說什麼:
英文人行道 et cetera, et cetera: freedom, recast, liberty into liberality, trance, goofball, goof
Across the world, as in Europe, the response to Mrs. Thatcher’s death appeared to oscillate between similar poles. Many foreign leaders and commentators spoke about her as President Barack Obama did, as ‘'one of the great champions of freedom and liberty, and as an example to women that ‘'there is no glass ceiling that can’t be shattered.'’
與歐洲的情形一樣,世界各地對撒切爾夫人逝世的反應似乎也出現了類似的兩極分化。許多外國領導人和評論員對她的評價與貝拉克·奧巴馬總統 (Barack Obama)相同,稱她是“自由權利和自由精神的偉大捍衛者,也是女性的典範,證明了世上沒有不能打碎的玻璃天花板。”然而,也有一些人,特別是政治左翼 人士,恨恨不已地提到了以撒切爾主義之名在全球範圍蔓延的政治風尚,這種風尚帶來了社會主義的式微、計劃經濟在所有大陸崩潰,並且提倡這樣一種方針——通 過自由市場來創造財富,共享繁榮,達到社會主義再分配無法達到的目標。