2020年4月21日 星期二

marijuana 產品的翻譯:Americans are stocking up on marijuana while under lockdown

More than half of Americans surveyed said that they were buying pot to “calm themselves” during the crisis

Joints, spliffs, and blunts have long been a most familiar way to take cannabis flower and prepare to smoke it and share it. Now in this era of legal marijuana, people have innovated pre-rolled, pre-packaged, portable joints.

Preroll Singles

Prerolls come in singles, and prerolls come in packs. Some of the single joints are average size – a half gram or more. Some of the are quite large: one gram or more. These fattie prerolled doobies might be infused with shatter or wax, coated in kief, wrapped in hemp, and otherwise further suffused with cannabis. At the far extreme of party joint, there’s such a thing as a “Chonger” which is a single preroll containing an entire eighth of pot.


長期以來,關節,雜草和鈍器一直是最常見的獲取大麻花並準備吸煙和分享的方法。 現在,在這個合法大麻時代,人們已經創新了預卷,預包裝,便攜式接頭。

預卷以單打形式提供,而預卷以組合形式提供。 有些單節是平均大小-半克或更大。 有些非常大:一克或更多。 這些肥膩的捲餅可以注入碎屑或蠟,包裹在基夫內,包裹在大麻中,或者另外注入大麻。 在聯歡會的極端情況下,就出現了“沖頂”之類的東西,它是單個預卷,包含整個底池的八分之一。
